Chapter One

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Trish laid in her bed balling her eyes out as she wrote another entry in her diary.

Hey diary it's me Trish. Another horrible day at school today. I really want to transfer, but my grandmother won't let me do that. She believes in accepting consequences for my actions. I absolutely hate Randy for turning my life into a living hell.

I'm not a slut, I slept with him once and it backfired in my face. All the kids who once looked up to me, despite me. I want revenge, some way some how.
Xoxo, Trish 😘

Trish closed her diary, and heard her grandmother call her name. "Trish dinner is ready!"

"Okay!" Trish yelled.

Trish P.O.V
I've lived with my grandmother for quite some time now. My parents are actually traveling the world. They wanted me to have a steady set of friends and didn't think it was normal for a child to travel. So they gave me to my grand parents. My grandfather passed not to long ago. I miss him a lot honestly. My grandmother does as well, but she's stronger than I.

Trish walked down the stairs and to the dining room. The table was already set and the food was on the plates. She sat down next to her grandmother. Who has already begun eating.

"So Trish how was your day at school." Her grandmother asked.

"Same as any other day." She grabbed the fork and played with her spaghetti.

"They're still giving you trouble?" Her grandmother asked.

"Yes, I'm labeled now and I hate it."

"I told you that boy was bad news, but you didn't listen"

"You tell me this all the time. I know it's my fault. Everything's my fault"

"No not everything, just that. You're 17, you had no business doing anything with that boy."

"I know." Trish answered back a bit frustrated.

Her grandmother notice Trish getting irritated, so she decided to change the topic."So how's the wrassling thing?"

"Wrestling grandma, and it's great! The teacher said I'm progressing along with some other guy in my class."

"You're fighting guys, as in boys?"

"Yeah, were the top in our class. We have great chemistry. He even goes to my school."

"He doesn't talk about you?" Her grandmother asked.

"I'm not even sure if he does talk, he just sit with his brother and brothers girlfriend drawing and writing. Yeah, he's strange but his in-ring technique is flawless."

"You should become friends with him." Her grandmother suggested.

"I can't, his brother and brother's girlfriend hate me, even in the wrestling class." Trish pouted.

Her grandmother stood up. "I got some free time this Saturday, and I think I can come to your wrestling class."

"Really?! I thought you hate that I did it."

"I know your grandfather use to go with you all the time. Plus, if it's bringing joy to you, I can't get in the way of that."

Trish squealed. "Yay! Thanks grandma!" She hopped up from the table and ran upstairs.

"Trish! She could have at least cleaned up after herself." Her grandmother mumbled.
Sorry for any mistakes, I honestly don't go over my work.

Okay, that's the end of Chapter 1, this chapter is dedicated to my deceased grandfather. Lost him 9 years ago. I remember watching wrestling with him. {ECW, RAW, and SmackDown} His birthday was yesterday and I felt I didn't really do anything big for him. So I dedicated this to him. 🙏🏽👼🏽

(I literally cried writing the closing, plus I'm listening to a Jeff Hardy song. So my emotions started to stir.)😓😓

So yeah...............
See ya in the Future

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