Chapter 6

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Dear Diary Trishy's back

Weeks have went by since the last time I wrote in it. I saw you were catching a bit of dust, but I'm back. Jeff and I have been hanging out more often. I would say his is my only friend at the school. Matt and Lita sorta lightened up on the insults, because of Jeff. Isn't that great.

Well today I will pass two milestones. I will finally stop walking with the crutches and something I like to call sweet, sweet revenge.

Xoxo Trish 😏

Trish POV

9:06 am. Why is this time so important, maybe because I can return the crutches and walk normally again. I'm so happy, I've dreamed about this day ever since I got this stupid injury.

"Trish, come on!" My grandmother yell as I rushed down the stairs. As I came down the stairs I saw a familiar face.

"Hey, um Jeff what are you doing here?" I asked confused by his presence.

"Your grandmother called me and she asked if I would take you to your appointment."

She smiled. "Oh I guess, you can do that." I giggled.

"Then come on Goldie, we have things to do and places to see."

After I hugged my grandmother and then I followed Jeff to his car. We got into the car, as we started driving. I rolled down the window and stared out of it.

"Hey, Goldie." I turn my head towards him as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Yeah?" I asked in a questioning look as my hair blew in the breeze.

"I have a few songs, that I want you to listen to. Would you?" He smiled as he pulled to a stop light. I glanced over and almost melted at the sight of it.

"Yes, Jeff I guess we could arrange that." I laughed as he placed his the CD in the slot. As the song began to play, it pretty much described how my life is at the moment.

(Indigo, you can listen to it if ya want)

"Jeff, this is beautiful, is this song for me?" He nodded as I smiled at him.

Later on that I went to into the doctor's so they can check my ankle. Jeff waited for me in the waiting room. After the appointment was over, I squealed loudly running from the doctor's office.

"Jeff, it's off! The doctor said In two weeks I can return to wrestling." I practically jumped in his arms.

"I'm glad, Ames and Matt were kind of boring me, I need my Goldie Locks." He put me down.

We headed out of the hospital. Jeff into the car as well did I. "Jeff can we talk about the Randy situation."

He nodded as he started the car. "So what about the Randy thing" he rolled his eyes as the his name came out of his mouth.

"Well he's still giving me a pretty hard time as the weeks go by. Maybe you could possibly help me with a revenge plot, just to set the foundation of getting rid of the rep I currently have. I hate everyone for siding with the bastard Randy."

"What kind of ideas where you thinking of?" He raised his eye brow as he kept his eyes in the road ahead.

"I'm not sure Jeff, could you help me."

He smirked. "Well just maybe we could frame him and get him kicked off of every sport team."

My eyes widen "What if we get caught."

"Trish, calm down. It's Randy it won't be that hard, we can easily find dirt on him and they won't believe him. He stated.

"You're right. So can we do it this Friday? Since Friday is one of they're biggest games." I stated and he nodded in agreement.

"This Friday is the day that, revenge will take place." He smiled. Jeff drove to another park.

"This is beautiful!" I complimented.

"Yes, another one of my many thinking places I go to." Jeff walked over and sat on a rock, soon I followed behind him and sat on that exact rock.

"This Friday, I can't wait." I closed my eyes and began to breathe in some fresh air. "Day one of a new start."

The next thing that happened I will never forget. Those beautiful green eyes examined me. I opened my eyes and and he had a strange glance in his eye. He got closer to me, I still didn't realize what was about to happen. He leaned in and kissed me................
This chapter came to an end. Sorry for any mistakes. This chapter is a dedicated to sugarbabe32 I hope the readers enjoyed it

Also the Nickname Goldie locks came from this vid⬇️⬇️⬇️

So yeah.............
See ya in the Future

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