Chapter 5

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Dear Diary it's me Trishy,
Today is one special day for me, after all the crap I took this week. I'm got to hang with the only person who's nice to me. Jeff. Aww, what an adorable name.
Xoxo Trish😘

"Granny, where's my black and white crop top!"

"In the dryer, now calm down before you injure yourself again!"

She came down the stairs slowly but easily. Once she made it to the kitchen and sat down she began to eat. "Well granny, you can only fall down the stairs so many times before you're immune to it." Trish laughed.

"Since you are going on a date with this boy, don't you think it's a bad idea?"

"No grandma, why would you say that." Her grandmother gave a glance at her and she automatically knew what it meant. "Can we leave the past alone especially today."

"Just don't do anything too fast, you're already talked  about from the pictures, people talking about you and that boy. I don't even know how much more your little heart can take." She placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I promise I won't." Trish smiled.

"That's my girl" she kissed the top of her head.

Trish then got up from her spot on the table and fled to the laundry room. She then finished getting dress and there was a slight knock on the door.

Trish walked to her living room with the help of her crutches. She opened the door and froze a moment.

Trish POV.

He grinned at me. "Hey, you look nice." Was what he told me.

"I, uh, you're—" I stammered like an idiot.

"Um, it's fine. You're lost for words, it is sorta adorable." I giggled at his compliment. "So are you ready to go." he ask." I nod and follow him.

"So um where are we going." I asked. "Just in the car and relax." I was a bit mortified. "Just an FYI, if anything happens to me, just tell everyone who I was with last." She got into his car and and kindly took her crutches."

We went to this park, it was nice and peaceful. Going to the park always remind me of simpler times.

"Trish, I'm not sure how much you wanna go into detail about you and Randy, but why would you let him do that."

I was a bit confused. "Do what?"

"You let him take photos of you. He discriminated you, why would think so low of yourself." He had an innocent face as he asked me. I felt pretty bad.

I sighed. "Jeff, I never thought he would put them out around the school. I thought he loved me."

"Well you have poor taste in men." Jeff laughed. I loved how he could joke in the most serious situations.

I giggled too. "I guess so......well I know you didn't just agree to us hanging to talk about that."

"Well I did agree to help a friend out." He said.

"Um Jeff why didn't you turn on me like everyone else." I asked shyly.

"I know what it feels to be at a low point in your life. Even though you and I have different reason for our low points. Hate and criticism is never the the key."

He understood me, the trouble I go through, people putting you down for your mistakes. This made him even more desirable.

"So if you don't mind me asking. What was your lowest point?"  I asked. He sighed and I regretted I asked. "I'm sorry, to ask"

"It's fine, it's just so much to happen I don't know where to start. He thought strongly about it. "Um I don't wanna talk about it." I nodded.

"Well the park is gorgeous." I quickly attempted to change the subject.

"Yeah it's a great place to think." Jeff smiled.

"Um, Jeff." I asked shyly. He looked up at me and nodded

"This is about Randy" he nodded letting me know to go ahead. "I want revenge, I just don't know how to do it."

"Well, Trish you'll figure that out eventually. All I can say revenge is bittersweet." He smiled.

I grinned at his smile. Aww he had such a gorgeous smile. We were having so much fun that day time blew by, I didn't even know it was 9pm by the time we finished.

"We should do this again sometime." I said as he was driving me back home.

"Hopefully, your ankle will be healed. But yes I do agree, we shall." As he pulled up to my house  and I was about to get out.

"See you in class." He grinned and I smiled back.

"Ditto was the last thing I said that night."

Those memorizing green eyes, that enchanting smile. One day I could only hope.
Yes, this chapter isn't the best but, I don't think. But for them not really knowing who each other are, it was a get to know chapter.

Plus this is literally the longest chapter I have ever done in any book.

So yeah......
See ya in the Future

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