Chapter 4

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It's Trish again diary.
I can't believe the mute could talk. He haven't said a word around school or at the wrestling arena. His voice was so unique, well unique to me. I could definitely tell he is from here, Cameron, North Carolina. Only if only I could hear his voice again.
Xoxo Trish😘

Trish POV
I walked into the wrestling arena with my crutches of course. I couldn't miss the only thing that brings me joy and take my mind off the negative. The mute was lacing up his boots, so I decided to walk over to him.

"Hey, um thanks for standing up for me." I stood in front of him with the help of my crutches.

He looked up from his chair. "Oh no problem." He went back to lacing his boots.

"So, why did you do that?" I ask dying to hear his answer.

"You already have so many problems, you should have a friend going through this."

I smiled. "Thanks, since everyone pretty much turned on me, I'm glad that—

"If it isn't the whorish slut. " I instantly rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice.

"You're honestly pushing up on my little brother." I take a deep breath.

"I—" I started then Jeff jumped in.

"Matt and Ames leave her alone, she was thanking me that's all. Now focus on y'all match." They rolled their eyes and got in the ring.

"Thanks, um what's your name again?" I asked.

"Hardy, Jeff Hardy." He snickered, it was such a cute snicker.

I giggled. "Good luck in your match."

"Thanks but I don't need it, luck is all in our ImaGiNation. Don't think just live life for the moment."

"Thanks, for the advice. Um, Jeff would you like to hang sometime soon." I asked shyly.

"Sure, this weekend but until then take care." That was the last thing he told me, that day.
(Still Trish's POV)
The days of school went by I was actually looking forward to the weekend. This will be the first time I actually go out on a weekend besides wrestling since I've dated Randy.

God please let this work.

This is the end of the chapter. Sorry for any mistakes but hope you enjoy the book so far.

So yeah........
See ya in the Future

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