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Such is the weather of my conscience

Its not that easy to believe

thunderstorms of vices, grave

promises of all that I can have

The hills that cross the bay of gloom

Resonate with anticipated doom

Those pastures green with dew dropped blades

Theyve left us dry and out of place

While we despair and shout and scream

they play host to creatures unknown

creatures that haunt our dreams

creatures whose faces are left to be shown

Why create when its so no good?

Why must we live for decades

just because we 'should 

blah blah blah, Im horrible. and lazy. and I barely write anymore. but all my fans, all 46 of you, you cant understand how much it means that you're still here. Ive lost a couple here and there but well, YOU'RE STILL HERE. SO, YOU GO GIRL...OR BOY. BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING :')

this was a mite too depressing and probably doesnt make a lick of sense, but well, College sucks :P

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x. :)

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