
542 27 10

Few more stanzas I thought up last night.





Brown and hollow

and shedding tears

The pitter, the patter

Can you not hear

dont give me that look

the one you won me with

it wont work now

not even  little bit

i wish to escape

for a month, maybe two

Away form this town

Away from you

I wish i were a wolf

so I could howl at the moon

I wish I was beautiful

Then maybe you would swoon

I hope youre happy

just her and you

But I hope you think

of me sometimes too

I bid thee farewell

I bid you adieu

You will think of me

When I stop living for you

When I take my last breath

When I finally die

You wont cross my mind

As I close my eyes

When you hear of my departure

Many years later

Youll feel a ton of regret

push you in a crater                          (A/N HA. :P )

from there you wont leave

I know that well

'cause that'll be me

trapping you in hell

You'll spend you life pining

She wont be enough

You'll know too late

Who you truly loved

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