Part 13

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Chapter 13

Celeste let out a sigh as the man admitted he had a secret to tell.  If Antonio had something to tell, it would affect them.  There was no way that it wouldn’t.  Jumping into the limo, she tipped an imaginary cap at the driver before settling in.  Soon, the others followed behind her.  She sat there; slightly uncomfortable at the stared directed her way.  Letting out a sigh, she finally caved.  “What?”

Aidirian was the first to begin his questions.  “What did you do to the Fae’s home?”

“I caught it on fire.  Next.”

“Why,” Aidirian said with a glare, “did you catch it on fire?”

“It was an accident,” she mumbled.  “I was on a mission from my father, and I did not realize that that was their home.”

“Fae homes can be hard to spot,” Daryn supplied, helpfully.  She beamed at him before throwing Aidirian a smug look.  He rolled his eyes at her, and went to speak, but Antonio beat him to it.

“Is that the only reason they are afraid of you?”

She bit her lip.  Looking towards Daryn, she saw him shrug at her silent answer.  If she wished to tell Antonio the entire story, she could.  Groaning, she covered her face with her hands.  “It is completely nonsense, but they think I am part of this prophecy of some kind.”

“What prophecy?” Antonio asked as he flipped a switch in the limo.

Celeste had not even realized they began moving, let alone that the driver was listening to their conversation.  Waiting until the screen was completely up, she turned back towards Antonio.  “They think I am going to destroy all their lands.”

“And this is why they hate you?”

“They don’t hate her,” Aidirian said in a confused voice.  “It was more fear than hate that drove their decision.  There is more to the story isn’t there?”

She narrowed her eyes at him before shrugging.  “Yeah, there is.”

“Just spit it out already,” Antonio mumbled.

Turning her glare to him, she leaned back in the padded, leather seats.  “They think I hold the key of their future in my hands.  They think that there will come a time where I can kill the Fae queen and rule over them, or let her live and continue as they are.”

“I’m guessing your rule will cause their downfall?”

“Yes,” she admitted with a wince.  “As much as it embarrasses me to say so, that was what they say.  I don’t believe any of it, though.  I can’t possibly kill the Queen no matter how hard I try.”

“So,” Daryn said, while motioning towards her wrist, “is that the reason she gave you that bracelet?”

Celeste nodded, but didn’t say another word.  They could think whatever they wanted to about the new information she had presented them with, but as Antonio let out a curse, she wanted hit the man on the side of the head for being so judgmental.

“I forgot to give you a token of protection,” he mumbled in explanation of his cursing.

“Oh,” she whispered, feeling idiotic as he pulled a ring from his finger.  When she looked at it, it surprisingly looked like an extremely old class ring.  Markings, in a language older than her, curved around a large ruby.  Gold glittered on the band, and there was no doubt in Celeste’s mind that this ring was completely authentic.  He dropped it into her proffered hand, but she just stared at the monster of a ring.  “This will not fit on my finger.”

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