Well, this went horribly wrong.....

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Gideon watched the masked kidnapper tie rope around her feet, careful to touch as little of the Councillor as possible. She could swat the little girl like a bug, but silently endured, keeping her amusement off her face for the sake of the young woman's pride.

This wasn't the first time she's been tied to a chair, but somehow Gideon suspected that this time the worst thing that would happen would be a little humiliating but not painful. These kids were weird, not evil. She wanted to point out to them that tieing her to the chair but not blindfolding her or gagging her was a dumbass way to keep a kidnapping an invitation only party, but it was so cute to watch them try to be badasses.

Each of her kids in the intact had a certain, for lack of a better term, taste to them. Something Gideon could almost roll around in her mouth and know who it was touching her. Little timid Luna was just finishing up the last knot on her ankles. "Thanks for not making it too tight kitty." Gideon winked at the girl, the body language screaming shocked and uncomfortable even though they'd cleverly tucked the girl's tail away. Without a word, Luna rushed from the room and Gideon was left sitting in a small dark space.

Because her appearance was that of someone completely normal, most people tended to forget that Gideon wasn't a human. That was her camoflage, even though she had no other form, she wasn't necessarily limited in the flesh she wore. Virgil had seen part of it with her eyes and Gideon let her control relax a little and suddenly she could see in the dark. It wasn't like night vision. Instead she saw the edges of things, the depth and reality of them. It took some getting used to, because this kind of sight was less dependant on light and could show Gideon residual energy too. The faint greenish trail of the lycanthrope was all over, with the blue of a necromancer and the almost hidden grey of the empath. Only those three had set this part up, though the entire group was culpable.

Gideon had set the traps and waited for the three intakes to arrive, sitting on top of a picnic bench and smiling like she hadn't a care in the world. Xavier and Lisa frowned at her because when they'd last seen her, she hadnt had a broken finger. They'd missed her tripping over a root and making a bad catch, then of course the swearing. She pulled the digit straight, duct taped the finger to it's neighbor and gone back to getting things set up. It slowed her down, pissed her off and generally reminded her that although she could make a basilisk cry uncle, she can't walk in a straight line without getting hurt.

Irony thy name is Fury. Gideon mocked herself gently, more aware than most that she could die like a mortal woman but she had been specifically designed to minimize the advantage of most Portentum powers. She stood ontop of the picnic bench and bowed to the gathered intakes.

"Hello intake five, Echoes and Night Shift. Week two. You guys just got the whole rigormorale inside. Win the flag, get to choose. Or steal it. I'm here to teach you how to do that second one." She stated and watched shock flash across all of their faces while Xavier and Lisa struggled to keep the amusement off theirs.

The kids bombarded them with questions that mostly Gideon ignored and surprisingly enough the intakes responded to that quicker than Lisa or Xavier repeating for them to just listen and learn. "There are an unknown number of traps out there. They are not likely to hurt you, and I want you to find them, and disable them. If you are succesful, you'll earrn a chance to ask any of us a question. One caveat, because I know my group is desperate to ask, but I will not answer certain questions. I told you about that at the very beginning and if you waste one of your questions asking me it now, I'll still not answer and you've just wasted a question. Don't be blockheads." she warned.

"How are we supposed to find them?" One of Lisa's kids asked.

"Look." Xavier replied, having learned from several years of experience that there was no way to really explain this to them, like most of Camp Darkness, it was something you learned by experiencing and figuring it out with some assistance.

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