We'll get out of this

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AN: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Went through this spurt of depression and didn't want to do anything. I lost a good friend of mine, so I was really depressed over that, and was in the hospital. I'm back to normal mostly, so let's get this show on the road!!! This will be the last chapter second to last chapter. Epilogue is after this. It may be short, but I'm not into Glee as much anymore.

"FINN!" Rachel shouted, running over to him.

"Did I say anyone can move?!" Jerry said, pointing the gun at Rachel.

"I need to make sure he's okay! You already shot him, and now you knock him out!" Rachel said. Jerry sighed and turned around. That's when he heard glass breaking and saw police rushing in.

"NO! You can't take me!" Jerry shouted, aiming his gun at his head.

"NO!" Puck shouted, but it was too late. Jerry pulled the trigger, and his limp body fell to the floor.

"We need paramedics in here, NOW!" One of the police officers shouted into his radio, helping Rachel put pressure on Finn's wound. Two other officers went over to Ryder and Kurt, putting pressure on their wounds, also. They loaded Finn, Ryder, and Kurt onto gurneys and put them in the ambulance. 

"This has been a nightmare..." Rachel said to Puck. Puck nodded his head.

"At least we're out of there..." Puck said. Carol came walking over, eyes tearing up seeing Rachel and Puck.

"Would you guys like a ride to the hospital? They said they would all be okay, but in serious pain." Carol said. Puck and Rachel quickly nodded their heads.

"Let me go get Jake, and then we can go." Puck said, going to get Jake. Rachel sighed in relief. Everyone would be okay.


Finn groaned and looked around. He was in a hospital. The last thing he remembered was getting knocked out by Jerry. He looked and saw his mom. 

"Mom..." Finn croaked out. Carol looked up.

"Sweetheart! How are you feeling?" Carol asked, taking her son's hand.

"I'm in a little pain... How's Kurt? And Ryder? Rachel?" Finn asked, all at once. Carol chuckled.

"Kurt and Ryder are fine. They'll be in some pain, like you, but will recover. Rachel is perfectly fine. She's wanting to see you. I'll go get her." Carol said, and left to go get Rachel. Finn smiled when he saw Rachel walk in.

"Hey, Rachel." Finn said, smiling at her.

"You're okay!" Rachel said, hugging him carefully. Finn chuckled.

"Yeah. Just in some pain. I'll be fine." Finn said. He took her head in his hands, and carefully kissed her on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Finn." Rachel said, smiling. They would all be okay, eventually. It would take time to heal, but they would heal in time.

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