Russian Roulette

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AN: WHATTTTTT? New chapter? :) Hope you like this one :) Enjoy! Sorry, this will be Finn!Whump and Ryder!Whump


"So, everyone ready for me to explain the game?" Jerry asked. No one answered. "Here's how it goes: There is four bullets in this gun. Two are actual bullets, the rest are blanks. I choose two boys I want to do it on. So, is this going to be fun or what?" He walked around the boys and looked at Ryder. "You look good."

"Please, no." Ryder said. Jerry laughed and looked at Marley.

"Would you rather me pick her?" Jerry said. Ryder's eyes widened and he shook his head. Jerry grabbed Ryder's arm and pulled him to the center. He then went back over the boys and looked at Finn.

"No!" Rachel yelled. Jerry laughed and took Finn by the upper arm and dragged him to the middle next to Ryder.

"Shut up you idiot!" Jerry said. Finn glared at Jerry and punched him.

"Well, this will definitely be fun!" Jerry said. He grabbed Finn and put the gun to his head. Everyone gasped. Everyone held their breath as he pulled the trigger.

AN: Cliffhanger! I'm so evil ^.^ Sorry, haha. Hope you liked it!!!!

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