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AN: Last chapter! Hope you enjoy!


Finn stood outside the Glee room. This was everyone's first day back. He was nervous to even go in there anymore, after what happened. He sighed, then walked in. He saw Ryder and Kurt sitting there. He smiled at them. Then he saw Puck and Jake next. Then he saw Rachel. He smiled over at her and quickly walked to where she was sitting.

"Hey babe." Finn said, giving her a quick kiss.

"Hi. You doing okay?" Rachel asked, smiling at him.

"Yeah. It just feels weird being back." Finn said. Rachel nodded her head in understanding. 

"It will take time, but you'll soon feel comfortable being in this room again." Rachel said. Finn smiled at her.

"Thanks for being so understanding, Rach." Finn said. Rachel smiled.

"No problem." Rachel said. Mr. Schue walked in, smiling at everyone.

"Glad to see everyone back! Let's get started on our new project!" Mr. Schue said. Finn smiled. He was feeling better already.

AN: There ya go! Hopefully you liked it. I'm not into Glee really anymore, so this was hard for me to finish. Thanks for all the comments! Love y'all! Be on the look out if you like the Archie comics, I'm writing a story now about them. Thanks again!

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