One shot down, three more to go!

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AN: Sorry it's been so long!!! Lot's of stress >.< Anyway, it's snowing here and the city is shut down, so what other perfect opportunity to write then now? Hope you like this chapter!!! :)


But, no shot was fired. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Jerry looked angry at first, but grinned an evil grin.

"Well, we have three more to go. Two have bullets in them, and one doesn't." Jerry said. Jerry went to a chair in the front of the room and sat down.

'Well, you can talk quietly. I will shoot someone else soon." Jerry said. Finn ran to Rachel and hugged her.

"Finn! Ohmygosh, Finn! Are you alright?" Rachel asked, worried. Finn nodded his head.

"I'm fine, Rach. I promise. Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine!!! You won't be fine, though!" Rachel said. Finn shook his head.

"No, Rachel, I will. We'll get out of this, ok?" Finn said. Rachel nodded her head and buried her head in Finn's chest.

"Ryder! Ryder, man, are you ok?" Jake asked. Ryder nodded.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened to me." Ryder said. Marley shook her head.

"But something will happen to you, Ryder. We just want you to be safe." Marley said. Ryder nodded. He grinned.

"I'll be fine, I promise!" Ryder said. Jake smirked.

"Everyone, we will get out of this. I promise you, if it's the last thing I do, I will get you guys out of here." Mr.Schue told everyone. They nodded. Jerry cleared his throat.

"SHUT UP!" Jerry yelled. Rachel whimpered and put her head back into Finn's chest.

"Well, shall we get back to our little game?" Jerry asked. Marley shook her head. Jerry smiled his some-what toothless grin.

"Well, Ryder, it's your turn, ain't it?" Jerry said. Ryder shook his head.

"I-I don't think so." Ryder said. Jerry raised his eyebrow.

"Then who's turn is it, Ryder? Should we pick Jake?" Jerry asked. Ryder shook his head.

"NO!" Puck shouted and stood in front of his brother.

"Don't mess with him!" Puck said. Jerry rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I puke at sibling love." Jerry said. Finn rolled his eyes.

"You have no... Symphony?" Finn said. Jerry laughed in his face.

"You mean sympathy you idiot?! Gosh, you really are a moron!" Jerry said. Finn winced at the words.

"So, Ryder, let's see if you get shot today!" Jerry said. He put the gun on Ryder's head, and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" Mr.Schue shouted. He lunged at Jerry and knocked him over. A bullet sound went through the silence of the room.

"Ryder! Are you ok?!" Finn asked, and ran over to Ryder. Jerry got up, and stood behind Finn.

"FINN! Look behind you!!!!" Ryder yelled. Finn looked back, right when Jerry pulled the trigger. A bullet sound rang through the room, and Finn screamed in pain.

"FINN! Where did it hit you?!" Rachel asked, running to him. Finn shook his head.

"M-my arm.. I'm f-fine." Finn said. Rachel shook her head.

"Finn, you know you're not." Rachel said. Finn looked down and saw the blood running down his arm.

"Rachel, I know how to handle this." Kurt said. He came to Finn and rolled him onto his back with some help from Ryder.

"We need to stop the bleeding, or he'll lose to much blood and die." Kurt said. Rachel gasped, but nodded. Rachel gave Kurt her jacket.

"Here's my jacket. Use it." Rachel said. Kurt nodded, and rolled it up like a ball and put it on his arm.

"You guys are sick!" Jerry said. He fired the blank, and then re loaded the gun. Everyone gasped.

"You really thought I was going to let you guys live? I'm going to finish all of you guys off!" Jerry said. He aimed his gun at Kurt. "Starting with you." And pulled the trigger.


AN: I'm so mean >.< Anyway, I'm posting this story on Tumblr, so you can look there for it, also. :) I will try to update tomorrow! Bye!!!

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