Glee School Shooting

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AN: This is the Glee School Shooting and how I thought it should go. It's with some of the old cast and some of the new cast. I'm sorry if this is terrible. I have never written a Glee story before :)


BANG! That was the first thing Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry heard as they were walking to the Glee room.

"What was that?" Finn asked. Rachel gasped and clung to Finn's arm.

"I think that was a gun shot. Let's hurry and get to the Glee room." Rachel said. Finn nodded and they ran to the Glee room. Everyone was already there, huddling in the corner.

"Mr. Schue..." Marley said. Will hushed her.

"Mr. Schue, what's going on?" Quinn asked.

"Someone is in the building with a gun. We have to stay quiet, or they'll hear us." Will said. Everyone nodded. Will went to the door and locked it. He made sure it was locked and went back to the corner with his students. That's when they heard footsteps near their door.

"Mr. Schue...." Ryder started, but Will shushed him. The footsteps stopped outside their door. They saw and heard the door knob moving. They held their breath. It stopped moving and they all sighed. That's when a gunshot game through the window. The man stuck his hand through the mini window in the door and unlocked the door.

"So, how is everyone?" The guy asked. Will scoffed.

"Sir, please, why are you doing this?" Will asked.

"SHUT UP!" The guy said, and pointed his gun at Will. Will held his hands up and went back over to the corner. The guy went and locked the door.

"So, everyone stand up! I want everyone's names!" The guy said. Everyone stood up. He pointed the gun at Blaine. "Starting with you; what's your name?"

"Blanie Anderson."

"Kurt Hummel"

"Noah Puckerman"

"Finn Hudson"

"Sam Evans"

"Ryder Lynn"

"Jake Puckerman"

"Artie Abrams"

"So, there's all the guys. We got some brothers in there, don't we?" The guy asked. Kurt, Jake, and Puck nodded their heads. The guy raised an eyebrow. "Kurt, why are you nodding your head?"

"Umm. No reason?" Kurt said. The guy laughed and pointed the gun at him.

"Tell me, now." He said. Kurt sighed.

"Finn and I are step brothers." Kurt said. The guy nodded his head.

"Ah... So the fag and the quarterback are step brothers? Makes perfect sense!" The guy said. Finn stepped up.

"Hey! Don't talk about him like that!" Finn said. The guy pointed the gun at Finn.

"You want to keep talking and get shot?" He asked. Finn shook his head and stepped back. "Ok, now the girls. Go ahead, ladies."

"Rachel Berry."

"Quinn Fabray"

"Mercedes Jones"

"Santana Lopez"

"Brittany Pierce"

"Marley Rose"

"Ok, well, we got a crowd, don't we?" The guy said. No one responded. "My name is Jerry. Now, who wants to play a game?" Jerry said, a sinister look on his face. Everyone in the room gulped.

AN: How was it? Gonna work on chapter two now, and hopefully it'll be up soon :) Please let me know if you like it!!!!

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