Poisonous Gas On The Loose

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AN: Sorry it has been so long! Anyway, hope this is good!!!


"KURT!" Ryder shouted. He ran over to Kurt, just in time, and pushed him out of the way. They both fell to the ground. A shot rang through the room.

"YOU IDIOT BOY!" Jerry yelled at Ryder. He loaded his gun, and shot at Ryder. Ryder screamed when it lodged into his leg. Kurt went to help, but Jerry aimed his gun at Kurt, and shot Kurt in the arm. Kurt screamed.

"That's what will happen now if you help them! Except, it'll be in the head!" Jerry said. Everyone gasped.

"Please, they'll die if we don't help them!" Rachel told him. Jerry laughed.

"Don't you get it? I'd be fine if all of you died!" Jerry said.

"Just, let everyone go! You've already hurt some of the kids!" Will said. Jerry stared at him.

"Exactly: I only hurt some of them. I plan to hurt all of them, or slowly kill them one by one." Jerry said. He got out four mini grenades.

"What are those?" Jake asked.

"These, are grenades, except they are filled with poisonous gas! If you breathe in to much, you can go into a coma and die!" Jerry said.

"You are sick!" Finn said through the pain. Jerry took Finn's chin in his hand and made him look at him.

"I know I am. That's the fun part." Jerry said. He grabbed his gas mask out of his bag and put it on. He undid the grenades and threw them. Everyone started coughing.

"E-everyone put their shirts o-over their f-face!" Will yelled at his students. They all did what he said. Rachel looked over at Finn and saw him slump over.

"F-Finn." Rachel barely said. He looked over through half open eyes.

"Y-yea?" He asked. Rachel smiled a weak smile.

"I-I love y-you." Rachel said, then passed out.

AN: HEHE! Cliffhanger again?! Sorry it's so short!!! Might update again tonight though! Hope you liked it :)

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