Chapter 1

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(The car above is yours I spent an hour picking it out be greatful)

15 years later from prologue. (Age 25)

|Your PoV|

I drive down the highway heading for my next case in Minnesota. I'm attempting to multitask by being on a call and drive well keeping Bean who won't stop barking calm in my back seat.

"You're 15 how the hell are you still energetic or even alive. Now sit down holy Jesus." I say to Bean.

"What?"my friend Charlotte asks on the phone.

"Not you Bean" I say to her.

"Haha alright" she says.

"So why is this job a job?" I ask

"5 missing person reports in the past 5 days all from inside there homes all doors locked from the inside no sign of forced entry. Each victim was seen coming home alone and no body was seen entering the house before." Charlotte replies.

"Okay, I'll look in to it. Do you know If any other hunters are on this case?" I ask.

"None should be. This case hasn't gotten  very far through out the country yet. Im pretty see you're the first hunter to hear about it." She awnsers.

I don't like running into other hunters they're all assholes and I work alone. Well Bean helps.

He's been with me since the beginning. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's a shiba inu, German Shepard mix and he 15 years human years. But he still looks quiet young and acts like he did as a puppy. You're greatful of this so you don't put much thought into this.

"Yn, you need to get over the lone wolf act sometimes you need help."  Charlotte stated.

"I'm not a lone wolf I've got Bean." I reply annoyed.

"Beans your dog." She replies unimpressed.

"Better than any person. No offence." I say.

"None taken, I know Bean means the world to you." She replies

Bean than started barking again. Usually I'd freak out cause Bean barks when danger is near but since it was in the car and I was on the phone I just yelled at him.

"Bean! Shut up already!"

Next thing you know a black car t-bones me and my car flys off road and flips upside down. The last thing I hear is the whimper of Bean and Charlotte  saying "what was that?" Before I pass out.


I wake up in my recked car with two tall men standing outside and talking.

I realize what happened and I roll out of my car.


"BEAN!" I worriedly scream.

The two men just stood there and watched me frantically run around freaking about my cat an my dog. I couldn't find Bean and my 70 Mustang was demolished.

"Your dog is in our car bandaged up. We tried to help you but you bit my brother while we tried helping you." The taller one with long hair states.

"Oh, sorry.. Reflex. Why didn't you just call a hospital?" I ask.

"It'd be easier to deal with it with out getting the law involved. Our friend can com to pick up your car if you want." The short blondish one says.

"Well I can't drive it. What will it cost." I say.

"It's free cause this is out fault." The tall one says.

"Well can you give me a lift to Minnesota"  I ask.

"We were heading there anyways." The shorter one says.

"Well since I'm gonna be riding with you guys I should probably give you my name, I'm Yn." I say.

"I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean." The tall one says.

"Alright. We'll call your friend were not leaving till I see your friend take it." I say.

"Fair enough. It's a nice ass car." Dean says.

"I want to see my dog. Where is your car?" I ask.

They point to the black 67 Chevy impala and I walk to it and peer into the window. The sight kills me.

Bean had bloody bandages and was laying still in the back of the car. I'd think he was dead if he wasn't blinking.

He looks at me and try to lift his head while wagging his tail but instead he whimpers in pain.

I open the door and sit beside him gently running my fingers through his fur. The sight of my best friend in this pain brought tears to my eyes.

"Bean I'm so sorry. This is my fault I should of payed attention. You're gonna die all cause of me. The only one I have left.." I cry into Bean.

Bean gives me a doggy smile and closes his eyes.

"BEAN NO!" I cry.

Sam and Dean run in to se my bawling my eyes into my dogs dead body.

"Yn I think he's still alive.." Sam says awkwardly.

"What?" I respond wiping tears from my eyes.

"Your dog is breathing..." Sam awkwardly smiles.

I look down at Bean and see his eyes wide open and him breathing. I awkwardly cough "I knew that. I was putting on a show."

"Why would you do that." Dean smirks.

"Doesn't matter."I rudely reply.

"What ever you say" Dean laughs.

Soon a pickup truck drives in and a older man walks out and greets the brothers. They talk and than he tows away my car.

"That your friend?" I ask them as the man drives away.

"Yeah he was in a hurry sorry." Sam answers.

"For?" I question.

"You didn't get to tell Bobby your special needs or anything.

"Now I'm a drama queen and high maintenance." I say angerly.

"anyways let's get going me an Sammy got a job and we don't have much time." Dean says.

"Me aswell..." I reply.

We get into the impala and Dean drives off to Minnesota.

I'm sitting beside injured Bean at the back of the impala. Hearing Sam and Dean whisper about my job.

My job.

The one I crashed for. My car and dog being hurt. The one Charlotte told me about. The one that she said no other hunter had.

Sam and Dean. Why do they sound familiar? I've heard if them before. I swear.

Who are they. Why can't I put my finger on it.

They're hunters I know that. Good ones too. Legendary even. Two brothers. Started young, their father is a legand.

"You're the Winchesters Huh?"

1100 words

This was the chapter where you meet Sam and Dean. Fun, next chapter will be out tomorrow. Hopefully. Nobody has read this yet but more chapters more people it will draw in right.

The next chapter might not be as long tomorrow.

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