Chapter 5

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I'm gonna start being unlazy and gonna make my reader inserts look more "profesinal" like I know what I'm doing and this is the new key.

(Y/N)- your name. (Replacement of yn)
(L/N)- last name.
(E/C)- eye colour.
(H/C)- hair colour.
(H/L)- hair length.
(F/C)- favourite colour.

Yes my dear Americans I spell it coloUr cause as we established last chapter I am Canadian.
Your PoV

I drive down around till I get to a mall somewhere in some state in some city. I didn't really pay attention. I go into an electronic store and buy a phone. Than go into my phone company and ask for a new chip thing with my same plan and explain I got into a car crash.

When I finally get my new phone hooked up into my plan I call Charlotte.

"City morgue speaking we Slice and dice no questions asked. How may I help you this fine day?" Charlottes voice sounds from the phone.

"It's me. I got into a crash. With the Winchesters actually. They have Bean at the moment while I ant to Bobby's and fixed my car. They stole the job and also are meanies so yeah. Thought you should know all this" I say.

"Oh my goodness (Y/N) I've been trying to get ahold of you! I can't believe they did that. Come pick me up and I'll show them who they're messing with. Also next time you see Bobby tell him I say hi." She replies.

"I'll deal with them. I left bean with them to hunt them down but were meeting up to get my dog back in two days." I inform her.

"Alright. Well I'm actually kinda busy right now but thanks for updating me! Love ya girly. Call me soon." She says cheerfully.

"Love you too. I will," I respond.

We hang up and I get into my car driving back to Bobby's.

I quickly drop in telling him Charlotte says hi and than leave again to find a motel near by to stay in. I find a cheap motel and check in. My room is a simple single person room.

I pull out my laptop which some how made the crash. Probably cause it was buried in clothes. And start looking for new leads. I gather as much info as I can through the internet and already looking into what creatures it could be. All them end up being explainable crimes. And I continue looking.

I rarely take a break from Hunting. I don't have many friends which I don't mind. But when I'm not hunting life gets boring. And also hunting keeps me sane. Since the stuff that happened when I was 10 happened life has just been really hard. Hunting is a distraction.

When I do have a free day I usually spend it with Bean but he's not here. So this day was feeling particularly long and boring. I decide to go to sleep really early to catch up on sleep I've missed.

After hours of tossing and turning I give up and sit up in the bed. I stare at the wall until I finally decide to stand up.

I Change into black gray skinny jeans a (F/C) tank top and put on a leather jacket. I put on my normal combat boots and hide my small pocket knife in one. I brush my hair and walk out k my room. Locking the door behind me.

If I'm gonna have all this free time may aswell go to a bar.

529 words not including any bold stuff.

This chapter is kinda poorly written since I'm sleep deprive and I was trying to make the chapter basic to build character. Like it shows she's more lonley and independent and uses hunting as a coping method with her problems. Like most hunters tbh. But yeah. Look forward to a strange confusing chapter tomorrow.

Fun fact about my stories. I write them all after 12:00AM so like as soon as a new day starts so I can go the rest of my day not worrying about my story chapters. Also, I'm more creative when im in my room late at night thinking about how cool it would be if pigeons were giant tameable birds.

Vote and comment. Mostly comment. I like reading comments.


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