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Jay here!

So, I've recently wrote 3 chapters of this story and published them all at once like you can see. I started writing Sunday I think. It's 12:00AM Thursday. I havnt had internet since Sunday and I've just been reading stories in my library and I've noticed something about Fanfictions that piss me off.

The characters are so emotional. The simplest thing goes wrong and the reader walks out. Something goes wrong and the other person gets angry. And they fall in love so quickly. Like. I mean oneshots I understand cause it's one little story but at least make it so the characters didn't just meet holy shit. No offence to people who were Fanfics where this happens of course I just like my stories to show the development of the characters relationship not

Be in love

But that's not why I interrupted your story reading.

Basically id like to announce that I'm writing a Castiel x Reader book!

I know what you're thinking! But Jay! This has Cas in it aswell and you said this was a story that had Dean, Sam and Castiel having a thing for the reader.

And Yes! You are correct. And in my Castiel story you will also have tons of boys drooling over you. The difference is. In the end you will end up with Castiel no matter what.

See in this story you end up having to choose between the three and it's a huge problem and like you might not even choose them and for all you know you could die and love none of them!! The possibilities are endless!

And in the Castiel one you only can end up with Cas. Maybe die. I don't know. Who knows if I'm planning on killing off your character. I probably won't. But I read a Smosh Ian story a while back where the reader got shot and died and it fucked with me emotionally and physically so I doubt I will kill off the reader.

Also the Cas story is like. For mature adult people. There is smut and more. Or there will be I'm just writing the prologue. Haha. You should check it out. I'm publishing the prologue when I publish everything else :)

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384 words.

Not like it matters it just an Authors note but like I feel like I gotta add it. It's 12:39AM and my fourth night sleepless cut me some s l a c k

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