Chapter 4

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Next chapter I'll crop out any stuff from the picture i promise this was just last second.

Present day

Your PoV

I knock on Bobby's door to ask him for tools to fix my car. He opens and gives me a weird look.

"I just left you and now you're back?" He questions.

"Yeah, I need tools." I chuckles. He walks back in than comes back with a tool kit.

"Careful kid." He says. I nod and walk back to my car.

Time skip brought to you by angles.

Hours later my car is fixed and new. I jog to Bobby's and knock again.

"Alright I get it you need help. Told ya you would." I hear him say as he walks to the door.

"Bobby I'm finished I just wanna know if I can borrow your shower since  covered in grease." I chuckle.

"You're done? You'd have to work on it for the past 5 hours with no break!" He said astonished.

"It wasn't to badly wrecked and I had no time for a break." I reply.

"You can use my shower but I don't think you got clothes." He says.

"Not all my stuff fell out when I crashed. I think I still have an outfit." I chuckle. "Can I borrow a towel?" I ask.

He sighs and walks off returning with a towel and leads me into the bathroom to show me how the shower works. After explaining he leaves leaving me to do my thing.

I start the shower and than strip down. I grab two small bottles of shampoo and conditioner that survived the crash and get in the shower.

I wonder if Sam and Dean finished the job yet? I wonder if Bean is alright. He better be.

I turn off the water and step out. I dry off and put my clothes on. I walk out and see Bobby talking in the phone.

"You shoulda brought her with ya you idjit! She already probably had a strong lead on the creature cause she does a lot of research ahead of time." He says.

Damn straight.

"Hey Bobby!" I smile an walk past him.

"Just a sec Dean. Hi. Do you need to stay here the night?" Bobby asks.

"No, I gotta get a new phone and call Charlotte to see if there are any jobs plus I gotta get my dog. Hey can you tell the Winchesters to meet me here in about a week with my dog? If that's okay with you. I mean us meeting here." I reply.

"Yea sure. You get packed up than come back and I'll tell ya what they say" Bobby says. Than returns to talking on the phone.

I wander out of the house and put my stuff into a duffle bag in the top part of my trunk. Than walk back inside.

"What the Moose and Squirrel say?" I ask.

"I'll let them tell you" he says holding the phone to me. I take it and hold it to my ear.

"Hello is this Smol beanchester or tol beanchester?" I cheerfully say.

"What did you just call us?" Deans voice sound through the phone.

"Ah, it's the smol beanchester." I answer myself.

"Hey I'm the older one who are you calling small?" Dean growls.

"Sorry Dean it's the size that matters. I'm afraid your in the small pool." I chuckle and my own innuendo.

"What did she just say?" I hear Sam laugh. Great the guy had me on speaker this makes it better.

"Ayy it's my moose pal! An dot worry Dean I wasn't talking about your penis size I was talking about your height you can stop being grumpy. I can't see you but I can feel the grumpiness from here." I laugh.

"You're an ass." Dean huffs.

"Why does everyone think I'm a moose?" Sam pouts.

"Cause your so big it's inhuman." I chuckle.

"Anyways. We'll meet at Bobby's in two day not a week. Your mutts getting slobber all over my baby." Dean says.

"Killy joy. Anyways fine. I don't wanna put Bean through a week of you two animals anyways." I reply.

"Put us back to Bobby." Dean sighs.

"Gladly." I snicker and pass the phone to Bobby.

I soon walk out and go to my car. Starting it. Going to go phone shopping.

707 words

Late chapter cause I was on a break from supernatural because I was LITERALLY going insane. I think I'm officially part of the fandom of supernatural. Not just inlove with the show but J2 and Misha are my spirit animals. I actually wanna become an actor now it's crazy. Also I found out they shoot/live in Vancouver BC canada which is one province away from me so I was actually screaming. Yeah I'm Canadian it's great.

But yeah I'll actually start updating more? Maybe? If people actually like my story. I've gotten votes twenty which is p great.

Haha comment your feed back pls bbs.


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