Chapter 2

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That's bean

3rd person PoV

"How the fuck do you know who we are." Dean growls.

"How don't you know who I am? I'm just as legendary as the Winchesters. Just more rare to bump into." Yn replies.

"God Yn. Cocky. Now tell us who you are." Dean says stopping the car.

"More like what are you." Sam adds.

"I'm a hunter named Yn Ln I've been a hunter since 10 I've killed more supernatural beings than you two combined. I'm a lone wolf rarely seen by other hunters some say in a myth to help set your own goals. Those who had met me say I'm angry irrational and over dramatic I'm to clingy to my car and dog. And I'm over protective of a wooden box." Yn spills.

"Wow we have heard of you." Sam chuckles.

"The box rumour isn't true you haven't mentioned a box. All the rest seems true though." Dean laughs.

"Box. The box in my car. Nononono. I need that box." Yn starts freaking out again,

"What's about the box is special?" Sam asks.

"It's not the box it's what's inside. And I'm not aloud to tell you but let's just say I made a promise to a loved one. I'm not too worried. Cause the only one able to get into it is me or Bean but that box is still important. And dangerous." Yn answers.

"Dangerous?" Dean questions.

"Very." Yn states.

"What is it" Sam asks.

"I told you, you don't get to know." Yn growls.

"Just start the car, let me get my job done. Or I'll do it myself." She angerly says.

"Start the car yourself? Whoa girly. Not happening. And it's our job not yours. So you can get out of the car." Dean says coolly.

"Gimme the address of Bobby Singers place. Im assuming he took my car. I gotta fix it than hunt after your guys ass. Kidding of course but I don't like you stealing my job though." Yn states.

They tell her the Address and she runs off.

Deans PoV

"The bitch left her dog." I growl.

"An excuse to come back?" Sam laughs. "You want her to."

"Shut up Sam." I growl

"I'm just saying you were eying her up and down an you always said you bet the Legendary Yn was hot. What do you think of her?" Her snickers.

"She's crazy and it's sexy." I say frustrated. "What do you think demon fucker?"

"Hey. Not funny. Yeah she's hot but she hates us. And we both can't have her so we should just forget about her." Sam replies.

"What do we do about the dog?" I ask.

"She'll hunt us down if we let him die or leave him on the street so I guess we'll see her one more time?" Sam answers.

"Dude she's probably gonna hunt us down anyways we stole her job, recked her car, nearly killed her dog. Which by the way it should be dead. It look pretty young. Full grown but not older than like 5 which I mean it'd make it possible for him to put up a fight but not be happily breathing in out back seat hours later." I say.

"Dean it doesn't matter just let's go." Sam say annoyed.

I start up the car and drive. I still think it's weird the dogs alive. And im trying not to think of the blood and hair in the back of Baby. I'm sacrificing so much for a dumb mutt.

"Dean, maybe we needed her help." Sam states.

"Why? What are we up against?" I ask.

"I don't know for sure but I mean you're still injured from out last hunt." He replies.

"I'm fine Sam let it go. We don't need help from some crazy bitch" I yell.

"Chill out there buddy I was making sure you knew what you were doing." Sam says.

The next while was silent. We get to out destination and find a motel.

Your PoV

I found a car in the parking lot at a random convenient store a bit down from where me and the Winchesters were. The guy who owned it came running after me but that didn't matter I wanted my car.

I drive to were The Winchesters said Bobby was hours pass and I finally pull in. Seeing him studying my car. I honk at him.

"Hey Bobby long time no see." I smirk while getting out of the car.

"Yn! The boys didn't say it was you when the told me to take the car!" He says excitedly.

"I don't even think they knew it was me." I chuckle.

"Where's Bean? Or is he.." Bobby starts.

"I left him with the Winchesters after they kicked me out of their car. So I could track them down again. Bean'll be fine he's smarter than those two asshats" I laugh.

"Guessing them Idjits took your job?" Bobby asks.

"I don't really mind I get to catch up with an old pal!" I laugh nudging him.

"I gave you my phone number, why didn't you keep in touch? He questions.

"I only really talk to Charlotte. Don't take it personally. I don't like getting close to people. Puts em' in danger." I reply.

"I get it. Well your cars here. It's gonna take a while to fix. You could stay here if you'd like." He offers.

"Nah, I'll fix her up quickly and be out of your hair." I say.

"I can help I you'd like" he offers again.

"No Bobby it's really okay." I smile.

"If you need anything just hollar." Bobby replies.

As soon as he's far enough away I quickly look for a black wooden box with fancy engraving that's usually hidden deep with in my car. I pull my necklace out and use it to unlock the box. I see the knife I used to kill my dad. The one my mom told me to protect.  I let out a sigh of release and than go up to Bobby's place to ask for some tools.

1013 words. I got carried away and made it long.

As you can tell since Bobby is alive and walking I'm not following the story 100% cause no spoilers. And I'm only on season 5...  As you can also tell you and Bobby have a history. You'll know more about that next chapter.

Thanks for reading.



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