Chapter 16 - regrets.

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A/N: not edited sorry :P

Chapter 16

Zayn stares at me, as if I was a moving target and his arrow is ready to aim straight through my head. He's so stiff and rigid, I don't even know what he's going to do. But I know my question has annoyed him even more. I can feel anger radiating off him hotter than the sun on a summers day. World war three continued. I don't know how this will end. He looks as if he's struggling with his self control, and I hate to see it break.

"Don't fucking start, Victoria." He scowls at me and pours himself a glass of that whiskey. I'm surprised the bottle itself doesn't smash with the amount of force he uses when he puts it down. Zayn brings the cup to his lips and pauses, side glancing at me as the rim of the glass, just kisses his bottom lips. "Just leave me alone." He throws back the Amber liquid and pours another, repeating the same process. Why is he drinking hard liquor?!

Zayn remains staring down at his feet as he leans over the bench and I raise my eyebrow at him with surprise and pity, acknowledging the fact that I won't get an answer from him anytime soon. "Seriously?"

"Just go!" He barks.

I shake my head slightly. "Why are you avoiding my question?"

Zayn throws his hand in the air, head falling back as eyes roll to the high heavens with annoyance as he looks at me. "Jesus Christ Victoria will it kill you to listen to me for once in your fucking life." His voice is low, deadly; only a small frayed thread, straining to keep his anger under control. Every word had a meaning of demand and dominance. His usual attitude he uses against employees and practically anyone free willingly to get what he wants, and it works. And I hate to admit that it works on me too. "Just fucking go upstairs and leave me alone for a few moments."

I swallow down my words and sigh loudly and noticeably for him to see.

I pull a fake smile, a smile that doesn't manage to reach my eyes. "Rain check. I'm going for a walk."And my smile disappears along with my presence as I walk towards Mark who probably heard everything. I look down at my hands and realise I'm shaking. The adrenaline still rushing through my veins from the small argument moments ago. Woah, this is how I feel after an argument? Mark smiles genuinely at me as I approach him but gestures to something behind me. Cautiously frowning, I turn my head and over my shoulder is a confused Zayn, holding a glass of whiskey.

I widen my gaze at him. "What?"

Zayns frown deepens before he takes the liquid down. Why is he drinking so much? Ugh he's so confusing! "Where are you going?" He questions, irritation still stained in his voice like red wine on a white sheet.

"Out." I say, raising an eyebrow with pity.

"Where, Victoria?" His voice raises.

"I don't know, Zayn." I repeat the tone.

Zayn stares at me through a glare. "Take Mark with you." Zayn orders.

I close my eyes with annoyance as I annoyingly let out a sigh and fake yet another smile. "Yes Master." I mutter and turn towards Mark who has opened the door for me. I calm down a little and smile, a real small smile towards Mark and walk through the mahogany doors and towards the elevators. I would much rather be alone, but who knows what could happen with Devon lurking. I still find it weird that he somehow knew I was with Zayn in the underground parking. In fact, how did he know?!

That's the least of my worries though.

"Where to Miss Gree- Re?" Mark questions as we make it ground floor.

I sigh quietly. "Um, just By the park lake across the road." I mumble tiredly.

When we make our way back, I have a better understanding of Mark. He's very straightforward, very. And I can tell he doesn't take shit. Marks conversations were usually short and filled with little detail. His private life is his private life, and I respected that. The only thing personal that I learnt about him was that he was divorced. So he's single and working for a dominant/master. Living the life. He didn't mention anything else about Zayn, in fact we stayed clear from Zayn. Mark found out more about me, though I was doing most of the talking.

Chills - Z.M (Book 2, Cold Trilogy) -EditingWhere stories live. Discover now