Chapter 23 - New friends, new enemies.

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Chapter 23

Marks POV

This has been going on for three days.

Three days.

Must I repeat?

Three fucking days since she left and not only has it effected the boss, but it's effected Eve and I. I didn't sign up for this depressing shit.

My job involves looking out for the boss and protecting him. I can't fucking do that when he's stuck in his room all fucking day and is sitting at the kitchen bar all night drinking his sorrows out. Emma on the other hand, is finally well enough to actually walk and breathe without the need of an oxygen mask. And even though her and the boss aren't exactly communicating as much as I thought now that Victoria is gone, I can breathe a little easy now that the boss is only thinking of Victoria and what he's missed out on.

Devon did a pretty fucking good job though. Props to him.

He managed to break three of her ribs, which is why she needed an oxygen tank. The bitch couldn't breath properly and don't get me started on her bruises all over her damn skin. But even though I can't even push myself to stand even two metres away from the bitch, I wouldn't even go as far as he did. I wouldn't even think of doing that.

Well maybe I have, but my intentions are fucking pure, I swear. Okay, Sometimes I want to slap the shit out of her, but that involves losing my job and the amount of money the boss pays me, yeah right. I'm not willing to throw in the towel, or throw her out the window for that matter. But either way, Emma is fine and dandy and back to her annoying self.

She probably loves the idea of Zayn and Victoria splitting up. I applaud Victoria though, the boss needed some type of wake up call. Like I said, just because I've been divorced for ten years, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I put up with my ex wife for eighteen years and I still hate her nagging voice that tends to linger in my head during these times when the boss screws up with Victoria.

For the tenth time this fucking morning, the phone rings and I answer before Zayn complains through the Bluetooth earpiece.

"Mr Malik's phone." I answer as happily as I fucking can be.

"Mark, where's Zayn?!" Oh great, Adriana.

"He's not well."

"He hasn't been in for three days, it's not like him." Her voice raises, stress becoming prominent.

"I know."

She sighs. "What am I suppose to tell Mr Diamond."

How the fuck should I know. He just broke up with a fucking girl he actually has feelings for.

"Insure Mr Diamond, that Mr Malik is unwell."

"Okay." She pauses. "Is he okay, how bad is he?"

He's not sick Adriana, but that's the illusion they think he's in.

"He's coping." Honestly.

But it's not like him and I don't fucking like this new Zayn. It makes my job difficult. Instead of working, he's mourning.

"Thank you Mark, please try and persuade him to come to work."

Persuade?! Me, persuade that ticking time bomb?!

"Or even try today. We really need him. I mean, desperately."

Zayn really does need to go back to the office. Unlike CEO's at normal companies I worked for, they didn't do jack shit, so you could imagine my surprise when I was hired by this hot shot 20 year old with a full passion of wealth.

Chills - Z.M (Book 2, Cold Trilogy) -EditingWhere stories live. Discover now