Chapter 27 - Blackmail or Scam?

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Chapter 27

"That reminds me." I mutter, ironing out my immaculate, brand spanking new, Gucci pencil skirt that Leigh just brought me. "Why do you only hire blondes? It feels weird walking through every corner and seeing nothing but blondes." I grimace.

Zayn smirks lazily, a rare but treasured gesture I only see him do after our afterglow of sex. I have to admit that was amazing- and by amazing, I felt like I'd be awaken from a two year coma. It's been so long since we've actually had sex and I'm honestly surprised at seeing how much I've missed interlocking with each other, connecting with each other in the only way we both know how.

I've missed him.

And. .

I truly did miss the sex.

"Still curious?"

"Burning with curiosity. Why blondes Malik?" I playfully tug at his belt loop and he moistens his lips with his skilful tongue.

"Blondes aren't my only requirements as an employee, if that's what you're thinking. I prefer blondes, because they are underestimated and-"

That was clearly something I was not prepared for.

"Most blondes remind me of Emma."

I can't seem to hide the disgust in my face and he notices too.

"When I first brought this company, Emma and I stopped our-" he hesitates. "Occasional meetings. And hiring blondes just made me not at all interested. Emma was the only blonde I cared for. . . At the time." He adds effectively. "And when our relationship grew to more modest sensibilities, my attraction towards brunettes, grew and grew. I just gotten use to the fact of hiring blondes over the years Emma and I had become friends." He shrugs innocently.

"So you pretty much hired blondes to keep you sedated and involved with only one blonde." Which is Emma, and I didn't have to do the obvious to say her name. He knows who I'm talking about.

"No." He shakes his head. "The opposite actually and it worked. I hired blondes in hopes it'll stop me from being involved with Emma. Like- mixing business with pleasure, a big no. I didn't want to get involved with mini Emma's that worked for me. It was bad enough I had Emma on my case. So I hired blondes. If I had brunette's, that might be a different story, because you don't resemble Emma."

"Oh." I nod, as if I get his strange employment fetish with blondes. "You had feelings for Emma at one point."

"I did. But nothing can compare to what I feel when I'm with you. Or when I even look at you." He smiles, that look that tells me his heart is literally in his eyes and I melt. But my curiosity is on fire. He's already put fuel on it, now he just needs to water it down to rectify it for good.

"I remember you had a blonde sex partner." I murmur. Remembering the blonde from the line up at K2 and who also scowled at Zayn the next day at the cafe Zayn took me to, back in Bradford. I only found out recently about her through those sex tapes and personal, private profiles I had found. Every picture of sex partners he had were brunette's but Emma and the one girl; Ayla Christenson, both had a lot in common. They were blonde, blue eyed, and had that dominating look about them.

"Ayla was a little different."

"Different? How?"

"Why do you want to know about this?" He reads my expression thoroughly and I shrug.


"There's always a reason."

"Well I don't exactly have a reason. I can make one up and say that I just want to know you better. But I'd be lying so, I'm just curious about her."

Chills - Z.M (Book 2, Cold Trilogy) -EditingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang