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"It's about time you showed up,"

She walked in to immediately see Enzo and he had a smile on his face as she rolled her eyes, playfully, at his statement, "Hey, Enzo." She replied whilst watching him walk over to her as she then gave him a hug when he made it before her.

"How's my Boss doin'?" He asked, pulling away from the hug to look at her, his accent becoming present as she gave him a light grin.

Sasha let a humored breath escape her lips, "You saw me yesterday. There wasn't much I could've done except sleep." She responded, still smiling as he chuckled.

"True." He shrugged his shoulders before continuing, "Anyways, you might want to say hi to your boyfriend over there because he keeps on asking for you." Enzo joked, a laugh leaving his lips and Sasha crossed her arms, flattered, but she knew she couldn't believe Enzo.

"Stop lying." She rolled her eyes, only for Enzo to burst into laughter once again. Leaving her confused, she narrowed her eyes, "What's so funny?"

He shrugged his shoulders, calming himself down from laughing as he took a breath in, "You didn't deny that he was your boyfriend, "Sasha felt her cheeks heat up at his response.

She overlooked his sentence and didn't even notice, "Enzo, stop. I'm not playing with you." She tried sounding threatening but it only made him laugh more.

"Like I'm scared of you." Though his intention wasn't to, he was beginning to irritate her.

She never understood why she couldn't simply be friends with someone without there being an insinuation of them being more than that. It was pretty tiring because this wasn't the first time she had to deal with this.

"You're annoying." She commented with a slight attitude and he laughed. "I know."

"Anyways, I'm going to put my stuff away. I'll see you in a bit."


Sasha placed her bag down on a bench and sat down beside it. She scavenged through all her belongings in it to search for her phone which she later found. When she was about to unlock her phone, she heard her name being called, "Well, well, well. Look at who it is."

Sasha looked up to see the woman who was staring at her yesterday with that angry look. It didn't really intimidate her, it just made her feel uncomfortable because she was the only one staring at her like that.

"What do you want, Becky?" Sasha asked in a calm tone, even though it was clear that the other woman standing before her was bothered.

Becky scoffed, breathing out in an irritated way, "Don't play dumb, Sasha. I know you are smarter than that." The Irish woman's response confused the Boston native, she didn't get why Becky was pressing her like this since it seemed very unwarranted.

Sasha stared at her with a confused look, placing her phone down beside her to give Becky her full attention. "I don't understand."

"He obviously likes you." Becky crossed her arms, still speaking very vaguely, and this continued to confuse Sasha even more as she didn't comprehend what Becky was trying to get at, "What are you talking about - - who are you talking about?"

"Finn - - I'm talking about Finn," She didn't hesitate to reply and Sasha couldn't help but be amused by that answer. Sasha was aware that Becky and Finn dated in the past but of course, she didn't know any details about it.

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