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3   M O N T H S   L A T E R

"We have a press conference tomorrow." Sasha groaned in annoyance and Finn chuckled, gripping onto the steering wheel tightly with his hand.

"What's so bad about the press conferences? I like them." Finn shrugged, smiling widely as Sasha looked over at him.

He was driving them back to their hotel after the date they just had. It felt like the thousandth date already and Sasha loved all of them. Now just to clarify, they are just dating. Not boyfriend and girlfriend. But the time will come. And they've done nothing more than kiss.

"I hate answering the questions because any answer you give them, they'll criticize you either way." She told him with a distressed sigh. Finn pulled up at a red light and looked over at her, "Who cares? Just answer them truthfully." He smiled at her, placing his hand gently on her thigh.

To be honest, he doesn't want to move too fast with her, for her sake. He wants her to feel comfortable with anything he does so he's waiting for the right time.

"There are going to ask questions about us since they're some rumors about us dating," Finn commented and smiled; Sasha glanced at him as the light turned green. "Are we going to tell them the truth or-

"Whatever you want, Sasha. I'm fine with whatever you want to do." She looked forward to seeing Finn pulling into the parking lot, "The media would go nuts if we did say we were together." Finn commented, catching her attention. "And why is that?"

"Well, I am the NXT Champion and you are NXT Women's Champion. And we are a couple. I mean, how amazing does that sound?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. Sasha's lips curved into a smile at the thought of it as he parked the car.


"Hey, is okay if we stay as a secret?" She asked as they walked down the hall. He was currently walking her to her room which was a thing he has done after every date they have gone on. Finn looked down at her, shrugging his shoulder as if he didn't care but he left his actual feeling hidden, "Yeah." He replied, simply as she sighed in relief. "Sorry, I didn't take your idea. I just thought staying a secret would be good for now."

"No, I completely agree with you. You know what's best after all." He smiled, brightly as they both made it to her door. She felt kinda bad for not going with his idea, even though he didn't seem to care. Still, she felt bad. "Well, I guess this is a goodnight then."

"Thank you for taking me out for another incredible date, Finn." She smiled while opening the door. She opened the door completely before turning back to Finn, "It's my pleasure, Sasha."

He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. She instantly kissed back, placing her hands on her cheeks as he gripped her waist, gently. This was supposed to be like their usual quick kiss goodnight but it wasn't. It was more intense and longer than the others.

Finn decided to pull away and they met each other's gazes. There was so much tension in that one kiss.

Sasha couldn't let the moment fly so she grabbed his collar and connected her lips with his. Finn wasted no time to kiss back as his hand trailed up to her cheek. He pulled her closer to him as Sasha wrapped her arms around his neck, her hand running through his hair.

Finn loved the feeling of her lips against his own as he started backing her into the room. He closed the door with his foot and soon after, they fell back into the bed, managing to keep their lips pressed together. He hovered over her and she remained beneath him.

He gently bit her lip and she gasped, allowing him to deepen the kiss even more. His tongue slowly slid against hers before he pulled away. His lips trailed down to her neck where he sucked on a spot, trying to create a love bite.

Sasha buried her face in his neck as subtle, pleased breaths left her lips. She bit down on her lip, trying to keep it down. She didn't really recognize the feeling Finn was giving her. She has never felt it before but she's loving it.

Finn softly bit down on her neck, groaning quietly, finally snapping Sasha back into reality. "Finn, wait." Her words trailed off as a moan as Finn stopped and looked up at her.

She locked eyes with him and suddenly he realized what he was doing too, "Shit, sorry." He got up from on top of her and ran his hands down his face, realizing what he was setting up to do. Sex.

"Damn, I'm sorry." He apologized once again as she sat up on the bed. He was too lost in the moment and if she wouldn't stop him, it would have led to something more.

So much for saying he'll take it slow.

"It's fine." She replied in a soft voice, running her hand through her hair, reminiscing about what just happened. "It was my fault, I kissed you again and it escalated to this." She took the blame and Finn shook his head, disagreeing. "No. It's my fault. I know you aren't ready for that type of stuff yet I continued with it." He spoke, licking his lips with an awkward expression on his face.

Sasha took a glimpse of him, noticing that he looked stressed out. "I should leave now." He said, walking to her and giving her a quick kiss, making sure not to linger. "I'll see you tomorrow, love." He told her before immediately leaving the room.

Sasha laid back down on the bed, deeply sighing. She ran her hands down her face. She should have just let him, right? But she's not ready for that. Especially with him. It's only been three months and they are only dating. He only knows that she doesn't want to do it yet because what if they break up? She wasn't ready to do this in the first place.

Everything is so stressful.

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