T W E N T Y - O N E

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11:48 A.M. , M O N D A Y

B O S T O N , M A S S A C H U S E T T S

Finn sat on a bench, awaiting Sasha's arrival. Solomon told Sasha to meet him at the park is at now but Finn's the one who's going to be there and Finn knows she's going to be pissed, both at Solomon and him.

Finn was anxiously tapping his foot, contemplating whether if this was a good or bad idea. More minutes have past by and Finn began pacing back and forth on the pavement, not knowing what else to do.

He heard his phone start ringing and he quickly took it out of his pocket to reveal Enzo's caller ID. Finn wanted to decline it but he knew that would make him look suspicious so he answered it.

"What, Enzo?"

"Cass and I are getting moved up to the main roster, Finn!" Enzo screamed in excitement and Finn rolled his eyes but was slightly confused.

How come Enzo is getting moved up, but he isn't?

"Congrats, Enzo. I'm happy for you." Finn pretended his enthusiasm and he practically heard Enzo jumping around and Cass screaming in the background. "Yeah, I wanna celebrate with you before I leave because they want us to debut tonight."

Finn sighed, "Well, I can't. I'm out of town right now."

Enzo laughed it off, "It's okay, but I'll see you later because I need to start packing." Finn didn't say anything else before hanging up. He pulled the phone away from his ear and saw a message from Solomon. His eyes widen and it made Finn's jaw drop to the floor.

Solomon: she left Boston already. She got moved up to the main roster.

Finn quickly dialed Sasha's number and brought it up to his ear. Waiting and waiting but it went straight to voicemail. And that was the same result every time he tried. He then immediately began to walk out of the park and to his car as he dialed Solomon's phone number. It rang only two times before he picked up, "Hello?"

"What do you mean she got moved up?" Finn asked in an angry tone as Solomon let out a depressed sigh.

"She told me. Hunter told me too."

Finn got in his car and put the keys in the ignition, "So I basically came here for nothing then?"

"No, Finn. You went there for a reason." Solomon sounded a bit sad and not the usual way he would sound.

"Reason? What's the reason?"

"How stupid can you be, Finn?" Solomon questioned in a louder tone as Finn stepped on the gas and began driving down the street. "Pretty stupid because I don't know what you're hinting at."

"Finn, Sasha was never in Boston," Solomon spoke, causing Finn to become confused but that only made him angrier, "She thought about going, but she never went."

"Then, why the hell did you make me come over here?" Finn shouted through the phone as he tightly gripped the steering wheel. "She knew this whole month that she was getting moved up. Days after she lost her title, Hunter made the decision to move her up, Finn."

"You still haven't told me the reason why you lied to me," Finn couldn't believe anything he was saying, "The whole thing I told you about me overhearing Baron and Becky was a lie, Finn. Enzo wasn't involved with anything and I didn't hear anything about the Baron and Sasha situation, it was a complete lie,"

"Why Solomon? I trusted you and you lied to me."

"Finn, I'm sorry. Sasha and I planned the whole thing. We - - - she didn't know how to say goodbye to you and I didn't know either."

"You're moving up too?" Finn asked, not trying to sound angry but failing miserably.

"No, I'm getting released."

Finn's mind went completely blank once Solomon said his statement, "They're releasing me and I couldn't do anything about it. Enzo and Cass were moving up so I didn't have to tell them anything, the only ones that know are you and Sasha."

"And we planned everything since we both couldn't say goodbye to you in person." Finn stopped his car and couldn't believe what Solomon just told him, "I'm sorry, Finn. But goodbye."

"Solomon, wait." But it was already too late, and Solomon hung up the phone. Finn dropped his phone and it landed beneath his feet as he stood in his car, staring blankly out of the windshield.

Then everything hit him with full impact, making him realize the reality of what just happened. His best friend got released from NXT and left the company. And he never knows when he'll see him again, and the love of his life moved up to the main roster where they might never see each other again unless Finn gets moved up.

Everything was turning for the worst and there was no way Finn could stop it from happening. Everything happened so suddenly and very quickly in only a short time span and it all started with the whole cheating fiasco.

However, he ever so wondered about not breaking up with Sasha. What would have happened then? Would everything still be fine? Would Sasha, Enzo, and Cass still move up to the main roster? Would Solomon still get released?

Regret was the only word in Finn's mind. And it was the only word to describe the things that happened these last two months.

THE END . . .

there it is....the ending of part one. the book is going to be split up into two parts which means next part is part two obviously but part two is going to be in present time when Finn gets drafted into RAW which is almost two years later.

there are plenty of unanswered questions and they will be answered in the next part which will be coming out later this week....maybe.

so get ready for more drama and more of Finn Bálor and Sasha Banks.

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