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Finn was watching Sasha in her match against Becky and she was going all out. Becky was, and Sasha wasn't. You could obviously tell Becky was overdoing everything just to hurt Sasha and Finn would cringe every time Sasha would take a hard landing.

It's ironic how Becky and Sasha are in a rivalry together. It's like the scriptwriters knew that they hated each other.

Finn sat on the edge of his seat as Becky threw Sasha out of the ring and she collapsed onto the outside. Finn flinched once she hit the floor and he was literally scared to watch the rest.

Becky climbed out of the ring and picked Sasha up, throwing her into the steel stairs. Becky walked, smirking, to grab her again. The referee was at a 5 count by the time Becky picked Sasha up.

She picked her up and suplexed her, right onto the outside floor. The camera caught a perfect view of Sasha landing straight on her elbow.

She cried out in pain and held onto her elbow. The referee screamed 8 as Becky rolled back into the ring while Sasha stood on the outside, clenching onto her bent elbow.

The ref, eventually, got to ten and Sasha was disqualified.

Finn shot up from his chair and left the locker room. He walked through the halls until he landed his eyes on Sasha, who was sitting on a stage box while the physician checked on her elbow.

Finn walked up to them as she whimpered in agony when the physician stretched her arm out. She covered her eyes with her free hand, sniffling as Finn approached them. "How's she doing, doc?" He questioned, crossing his arms as he glanced over at him.

"Her elbow is pretty swollen and it looks like it's going to bruise but it isn't nothing major." He explained while Finn sighed in relief and all his worries left his mind. "She needs to put ice on it and have some rest."

He smiled at Finn, "I'm guessing you're her caretaker or something?" He joked, playing around.

Finn chuckled, "I'm her boyfriend." He told him and Sasha removed her hand from her face, looking at him with her red, tear-filled eyes.

She remained quiet as their conversation continued, "Well, take good care of her. Don't let her do any physical activities, such as lifting, working out, etcetera. Once the swelling goes down, she could go back to doing that." Finn nodded, listening while looking over at her.

"The swelling should go down in a couple of days. So, keep putting some ice on it and it should be fine." He smiled before walking away.

"Thanks, doc." Finn gave him a cheerful grin and the physician waved his hand in response, walking down the hallway.

Finn's attention went back to Sasha. She had her hand gently placed under her elbow as tears rolled down her eyes. "I know it hurts, love. But don't cry." He wiped her tears, staring into her eyes that were right at his height.

She lifted her arm to see her elbow swollen to its fullest. She has had many injuries before this but she can't remember one that hurt her this much.

"It just hurts so much." She whimpered, clearly in pain. "Let's leave so you could get some sleep." Finn had a small grin on his face as she nodded. He held out his hand which she grabbed, jumping down from the box.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked down the hall. "So, you're my boyfriend now?" She asked with a smile, referring to his statement earlier. He let out a chuckle, "I would love to be."

Even through the pain, he made her heart flutter out of her chest, "I've been wanting to ask you for a while now and I was going to ask you in two weeks on our anniversary, but I guess I ruined it." He shrugged, causing Sasha to giggle.

He looked down at her and smiled at her cuteness, "This might be a bad time since," He pointed at her elbow, "That happened."

She couldn't stop smiling because of his words. She didn't feel any pain since all she was feeling was happiness. But soon that smile faded due to the negative thoughts flooding her mind.

She found herself sighing which caught his attention, "Is there something wrong, love?" He asked, concerned about her sudden change of behavior.

"Are you sure that I'm what you want?" She questioned him, unsteadily as they stopped walking so they could look at each other.

He scratched his head, profoundly confused, "What type of question is that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

She sighed, "I'm not really experienced in relationships like you are so what if you're making a mistake?" She explained, breaking the eye contact between them as he sighed.

"So what?" He spoke, causing her to look back at him as he continued, "I don't care if you're experienced or not. That doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is you. I want us to be official already. I want to let everyone know that you are my girlfriend. I want them to know that you are mine."

He placed his hands on her cheeks, "And you're wrong about the mistake thing. I would be stupid to think that choosin' to be with you was a mistake. I've spent all of my time with you because you are truly something special to me."

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He bit on his bottom lip nervously as she smiled. "Yes-

Before she could finish her answer, "What?"

Both of them turned their heads to look at their three best friends to see all of their faces in shock, yet Enzo's expression was mixed with disappointment and shock. Finn turned back at her and sighed, deeply, "Great." They mumbled, under their breath as they broke their embrace to turn to them fully.

"You better explain everything to us, right now."

so much for a secret. 😝

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