Chapter #1

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"Gaaaa!" Yuma yells, "I hate tests!"

"Maybe if you studied more you may enjoy the tests." Astral voiced his opinion.

"Oh yeah, your the one to talk. You don't have to go to school or write tests." Yuma says.

"Yuma watch ou-!" Exclaims Astral.

BAM!! Yuma ran into someone, who was a girl. The girl has green eyes, long bronze hair parted to the left, and hair to about to her chest. She was wearing dark blue jean shorts and a blue shirt with letters and a symbol on it, with black shoes.

"Awww man, I need watch were I'm going. Or I need someone to stop talking to me while I'm walking!" Exclaims Yuma.

"It is not my fault, you talked to me first." Astral told him, looking up.

"Never mind you. Are you ok? I'm really sorry, I got distracted." Yuma apologized.

"Never mind, Yuma Tsukumo. Who's your friend?" The girl asked, getting up from the ground.

"How can you see Astral?! And how do you know my name?!" Asks Yuma as he was also getting up.

"Everyone knows the school clown, Yuma Tsukumo. You dueled Shark, ONE of the best duelists around. But did you know he's not the best." Says the girl.

"Then who is? Me? Me, cause I beat Shark." Yuma says proudly.

"No, you're not the best duelist. I am. Now to answer your first question-" she starts but gets interrupted.

"Who are you?" Astral asks, looking at an alien being like him.

"My name is Astrid." The female said. She looked just like Astral, but her hair style was like Anna's. "I know who you are, Astral. Are you and Yuma gathering numbers?

"Yes. Are you?" Asks Astral.

"Yes, we have two. We can work together to gather all the numbers so we both get our memories back. I will help you if you help me. " Astrid explains.

"I will help. Right Yuma?"

Yuma looks at Astral, than to Astrid, and back to Astral.

"Yeah, I'll help too."

"Then count me in." Says the girl, turning around to leave.

"Hey, you didn't tell me your name."

The girls stopped and looked over her shoulder, "Evelyn Knight."

A New Friend #1 (Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal)Where stories live. Discover now