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Mr. Willy Wonka's chocolates has always been the most popular candy ever made especially among children. His candy satisfied the sweet tooth and chocolate cravings of the whole world. He loved all types of candy. All, except the chewing gum that was disgusting and a revolting habit. He never had any worries of the gum manufacturing market to outrun his chocolate factory. Until now.


As the school bell rang, children came pouring out of the doors as they started heading home. Among them was Charlie Bucket. It was the last day of autumn and the last leaf fell on the path home. I has been a few months since the Golden Ticket contest and the grand tour of Willy Wonka's factory. Though Charlie was the lucky child who won the lifetime supply of chocolate as heir of the brilliant factory, it became a habit of his to visit the quaint candy shop every week. That very shop where he bought the life changing Wonka bar.

He made his way across the street toward the shop as he caught sight of several children running toward it and leaving with bags of candy. Charlie entered the shop and found more children buying the same. However, it was not Wonka's candy at all. It was a large gumball in a rainbow netted sack. The label read, "Miss Vicky's Rainblows".

"Good afternoon, Charlie! How was your day?" The shopkeeper called out.

Charlie gave the shopkeeper a warm smile. "Good afternoon, Mr. James! It was great, thank you." He picked up a Wonka Bar before he approached the counter to pay. He looked around to see more children buying more gumballs. "Mr. James, may I ask you, what are those Rainblows? They seem to be very popular."

Mr. James nodded. "Ah yes, Miss Vicky has just released these remarkable new gumballs. They change color as you chew them and every bubble is a different color. It turns out, everyone wants them."

"Miss Vicky?" Charlie picked up the gumball himself to observe it.

"You haven't heard of her? Adams and Sons was a popular gum factory years ago. When Mr. Adams grew ill, there seemed to be no hope for the company. However, just last year, on his deathbed, he decided to leave his factory to his daughter, Victoria. First Adams woman to own the factory. As expected, it was no longer called Adams and Sons. Her gum has been doing very well this past week. She seems to have a few tricks up her sleeve after all."

Another child approached him to buy 10 Rainblows. Charlie was astonished at the sight. Though he was hesitant at first, he could not help but place more money to buy his own to see what all the fuss was about. He felt a twinge of guilt as he placed the gumball in his pocket. He had to ask. "So, how are the Wonka sales doing so far?"

The shopkeeper sighed. "Not as many bars sold this week than last week... but I'm sure it will be alright. Don't you worry, son. No one can resist Wonka's chocolates."

However, a few more days had passed and sadly, the Wonka bars were not sold out in any store at all. Little Charlie Bucket began to worry despite what Mr. James had told him. Charlie sat at home with his parents and grandparents at supper. He glanced at the empty chair in front of him. Mr. Wonka must have been consumed in his projects again. Charlie only could hope he was not aware of the decline in sales of his famous chocolate bars.

After supper, Charlie's father turned on the television set and the news flash report appeared on the screen. The family watched attentively as the name, Miss Vicky, was mentioned.

"This just in, Miss Vicky has done it again. The release of her Bubble Pops and her new line of health gum and candies has dominated the market this past week. Take a look at the crowd lining up just to buy her new line of health gums!"

A Thin Line Between Gum and ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now