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Miss Vicky could not believe what she was hearing. Her whole factory was completely destroyed and overwhelmed by the shock, she stared off into space and slowly walked outside. Mr. Wonka shocked at the news as well. Though he swore he would never care about what happened to Miss Vicky, he could not help but feel horrible for her. He could not imagine what it would be like if he ever lost his own factory. He stood with the Buckets in a mournful and shocked silence.

Mr. Bucket finally spoke. "Willy, I think you better go talk to her. You know, give her some words of encouragement."

Mr. Wonka took a big gulp. "Me? Heh..." Out of all the people in the room, why him? Comforting the competition was definitely not what he had planned for that day. Charlie looked at his mentor with his innocent, angelic eyes and offered to go with him.

Outside, they found Miss Vicky sitting on the bench and saw tears streaming from her dark emerald eyes. Charlie sat down next to her and gave her a handkerchief. Wiping her tears away, she looked at Charlie and gave a small smile. "Thank you, Charlie. I don't know what to do. I have no place to go, no family to visit, no where to live... I'm finished. Everything I had was in that factory. All my family's dreams and inventions, all gone."

"How very unfortunate, Miss Vicky." Mr Wonka spoke apprehensively, "I deepest sympathy. Uh, is there anything I can do?" He did not believe what he just said. Offering his rival help? He had definitely lost it.

"Yes, Willy, I need to go back and salvage what is left of my factory this instant." She wiped the last of her tears away and took a deep breath. She could not show her weakness any longer. It was a devastating loss but she was determined to move on.

Charlie stood up and exclaimed. "No, you can't! There's a horrible blizzard and it maybe still dangerous to go there... Why don't you stay here with us?"

Mr. Wonka's violets eyes looked like they were about to pop out at the sound of this as he panicked. "No, I don't think that's such a good id...."

"That would be a splendid idea!" Mr. and Mrs. Bucket overheard the conversation and had to chime in. "Oh, do stay with us, Vicky. At least until you gather things in order."

Miss Vicky was so overwhelmed at this offer and had to shake her head. "I can't possibly. That is very kind of you and thank you for your offer but I must deal with this myself."

"Yeah, you can deal with this yourself." Mr. Wonka gave a nervous laugh.

"Willy, don't be ridiculous." Mrs. Bucket took Miss Vicky's hand and led her inside to sit down. "Now you are going to stay with us for the night. When the storm is over, you can go to your town and figure out what to do about your factory. We would hate to see you out in the cold. Wouldn't we, Willy?"

Mr. Wonka snapped out of his daze and uttered. "Huh? Oh, uh..."

Mrs. Bucket gleamed. "He really means to say yes, Vicky. So will you?"

Miss Vicky sighed and gave a faint smile. "Alright I'll stay for the night. But just for the night."

"Excellent!" Mrs. Bucket smiled widely. "Charlie, please go set up the couch for her and fetch me my night clothes and robe for her."

He nodded happily and ran over to the closet to fetch the pillows and blanket. Willy Wonka looked over at the family and so many words of scorn wanted to lash out at them. However, for the sake of Charlie, he walked outside in haste and disgust. After Charlie got the couch ready for Miss Vicky, he walked out after him.

"Mr. Wonka!" He called out as he saw him walking quickly toward his boat. "Mr. Wonka... I know this is all too sudden, but what are we supposed to do? We can't possibly let her go out in the cold and leave her in the blizzard!"

He halted and turned to Charlie in a swift. "What's the matter with the cold? She'll fit right in..."

Charlie sighed. "Mr. Wonka, have a heart! She'd do the same for you, I'm sure of it!"

Mr. Wonka made a face. "Great. First she spends one night here and then she'll think she can end up living here..."

At this, Charlie began staring into space as if he had an idea brewing in his head. Mr. Wonka knew this look that he had and usually he would come up with a brilliant idea for his candy but for once, he was not looking forward to what he was about to say.

Charlie grinned. "That's just it, Mr. Wonka. She can stay here longer and make her candies here!"

The chocolatier could not control his peculiar fit of laughter. "Oh, Charlie, you are quite a joker! Hee hee!" He laughed for a good minute until he saw the serious look in Charlie's face. "You're not kidding, are you?"

"Think about it, Mr. Wonka. Letting her stay here would prove to her that you are a hospitable man and no matter how horrible she was to you, you would turn out to be the better person in the end. The next thing you know it, you may be even start making candy together. Everything doesn't have to be a competition between you two any longer..." Charlie was nearly bouncing in excitement at the possibility. His two favorite candy makers, living under one roof.

Mr. Wonka continued to giggle. "Hahaha! I think you need to go to bed, Charlie. The shock has absolutely made you crazy! Good night!" He quickly stepped into the fantastic pink boat. Before Charlie could say anything else, the oompa-loompas rowed the boat speedily and off they went down the chocolate river.

Late that night, Mr. Wonka sat in his room quietly and had trouble falling asleep. He kept thinking about Charlie's suggestion yet again, but this time, it was a more of an extreme situation. Miss Vicky, a rival, living in his own factory. Preposterous of an idea it was.

A few moments later, he found himself laying down on the chair of his oompa-loompa psychiatrist. The little man stood silent listening to Mr. Wonka's contemplation, writing a few notes in his small book.

Mr. Wonka began talking to himself. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to help my own competition and allowing her to make her dreaded candies here but I also don't want the Bucket family to think I am a heartless, egomaniac of a chocolatier. They obviously love her but I can't stand her. If only they knew her like I do... she is as sour and sticky as the candy she makes. I can't imagine living under the same roof as her. She would be talking about how great she is day and night and finding every moment possible to make my life miserable. Nothing but disdain toward me would come out of her lips... Oh, what luscious and tasty looking lips she has... her scent of strawberries and cream hypnotizes me so... Ah! No way! This will not do!"

He sighed at what he could not keep himself from thinking about her. He remembered how he could not help but stare at her like a fool for the only thing sweet about her was the fact she has grown into eye candy. Oh, what a beauty she has become, but no! She was a rival and nothing more. He was irritated at himself for dwelling over this question. Never has he contemplated so hard about something other than his candies.

"What is wrong with me? I can't be still stuck in the past. Sure, we both were always the center of ridicule. Everyone made fun of us and now look at us. Successful candy makers, we are. Oh, maybe I can show the world how hospitable I am by helping out a fellow candy maker. I can be convincing the world into buying my chocolates again. I can also keep a close watch on what she would create next. Keep my friends close, and my enemies closer... that's it! It is a good idea to let her stay here after all." He turned to his oompa-loompa and grinned, "You're very good."

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