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Wonka's Leaping Chocolates and Miss Vicky's LovePops were released and became such a huge seller, the customers demanded more new sweets for the holiday. The day before Valentine's Day arrived much too quickly so the candy-makers and Charlie were busy in the Inventing Room, hard at work on more treats to be released first thing in the morning. They finished developing a bubblegum that blew into a heart and began working on fudge Valentine candy hearts with pink and red chocolate swirls. Miss Vicky was highly focused on them, measuring the precise amount to be swirled.

Once she drizzled the red and pink chocolate over the fudge, she grinned broadly as they turned out perfectly. "I think these are about ready to be manufactured, Willy!" She began working on a few more pieces.

However, Mr. Wonka was not listening as he found himself staring at her again with a dreamy look in his eyes. Charlie snickered as he poked him. Snapping out of his daze, he turned his attention to the boy who grinned and cocked his head to the side, glancing at Miss Vicky. Valentine's Day was approaching and Mr. Wonka had yet to pluck up the courage to ask Miss Vicky to dinner. Charlie knew it had to be now or never as he shoved his mentor toward his former rival.

Taking a big gulp before clearing his throat, Mr. Wonka tried his best to be perfectly casual. He stepped closer to her and smiled nervously. "Eh... I think you put enough of those red swirls in. They look terrific! Wow!"

"Thank you, Willy." She grinned, placing the mix into a molding tray. "I told you we'd be ready to have these released by tomorrow!"

"And I never doubted you for a second! Hah! So speaking of tomorrow..." He held his breath and felt his heart beating rapidly as he spilled out his words. "Vicky, wanngo-eatwit-me-more-night?"

She glanced at him, raising a brow. "Excuse me, Willy, I don't speak oompa-loompa. I'm not sure that mangoes would work well with these chocolates..."

"Not mangoes! Uh..." He rolled his eyes as he took out some cue cards and stuttered. "V..Vicky would you... like to accompany me... to dinner... tomorrow night?"

"I always eat dinner with you and the Buckets..."

"No!, me..." Mr. Wonka let out an exasperated sigh, growing slightly irritated at having to explain any further. No words came out of his mouth as he took another deep breath and smiled, pointing repeatedly at her and himself.

Finally picking up his hand signals, Miss Vicky's emerald eyes gleamed. "Oh you mean a date!"

"Precisely! Heh!" He took another gulp as he began to squirm uneasily, anticipating her answer.

She felt her face growing pink as she could not believe what she was hearing. "Willy, you know tomorrow's Valentine's Day, right?"

"Of course, silly goose! Heheh!" He chuckled to hide how much he was fidgeting.

Lost for words, she bit her lip and suppressed her grin before answering. "Oh...okay. Sounds lovely!" She went back to work, smiling uncontrollably.

Charlie was off to the side, witnessing the entire conversation while working on the fudge himself. He gave his mentor a sly grin as he walked by. Feeling like a large weight lifted off his shoulders, Willy Wonka realized he had just asked a girl out for the first time. He was once told that was the most difficult part of the courting ritual. He let out a sigh of relief as he continued to work. The next thing he had to think about was preparing for the occasion. He knew that Charlie was planning some of it but he wanted to contribute something special.

After her work for the day was done, Miss Vicky retired to her room and sat at her desk. A few moments later, she heard a knock on her door. Opening it, she found the little matchmaker himself, Charlie standing there. "Hello, Miss Vicky, can I talk to you?"

"Of course, Charlie. Come on in." She grinned, leading him inside. "Pardon the mess. I have been so busy working with you boys, I haven't had time to tidy up! So, what did you want to talk about."

"Your date with Mr. Wonka." He grinned. "I just wanted to tell you he has something wonderful all planned out and he really likes you."

"Really? Well, I have grown quite fond of him lately..." Miss Vicky could not help but smile brightly. "And you can tell him I'm looking forward to it." She sat down trying to contain her excitement. She was practically giddy like a schoolgirl.

Before Charlie was about to leave, she called out. "Charlie, I've been meaning to ask you..." She bit her lip as she began to stare at her fingers, fidgeting. "You seem to be very close to Willy. Very much like brothers."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah! I've looked up to him for years and now he really is more like a big brother. We tell each other everything."

"That's wonderful!" She paused for a moment before she took a deep breath. Charlie could tell she was nervous about something as she continued. "This may sound silly but I don't have anyone to talk to about all this. You see, I have never been on a date before and Willy asking me today took me quite by surprise. Has he ever... courted a girl before?"

"No." The boy grinned. "It took him by surprise when I suggested he should invite you to dinner. I think this is the first time he's really excited about Valentine's Day. This would be his first date after all."

"You don't say!" Miss Vicky smirked. "I expected him to have ladies lining up for him. Women cannot resist chocolates and well, he is quite a... charming and good looking fellow... very good looking... good enough to eat..." She let out a small sigh, gazing out with a dreamy look in her eyes for a moment before snapping out of it. "Oh, not like a cannibal. It's frowned upon... I'm just afraid I may make a fool of myself tomorrow."

Charlie gave a small laugh. "Trust me, Miss Vicky. All you have to do is be yourself, relax and have a good time like you did at my birthday. Well, without the mess of course. And my mum says to wear the dress she gave you for Christmas and she says it won't go well with your hat and gloves, so you should leave them and your cane behind... Not that you're not already very pretty but..." He began to blush adorably. "You know what I mean. You wear those when you work. You'd be more comfortable without them while you have dinner with Mr. Wonka."

"It would be quite a change but I'll take all the the advice I can get. Thank you, Charlie!" She smiled as she kissed his forehead. "You know, you are going to make a lucky girl very happy one day."

"Not any time soon. Girls are gross." Charlie blushed hard and smiled happily as he got up to leave. "Good night Miss Vicky!"

Finding his way back to his cottage, Charlie found Mr. Wonka sat on the bench, tapping his cane quite rapidly. "Charlie. Emergency. I don't know what to do. I've already asked her and I haven't done anything to prepare yet. Well, except for her surprise but is there anything else I need to worry about? Huh?! I don't know what on Earth I'm doing!"

Charlie chuckled with the amusement of seeing his usually confident mentor panic over a girl. "Mr. Wonka, everything is planned out already. She's excited for tomorrow night. We'll have the table set by the time you and Miss Vicky arrive. The only thing is... what are you going to wear?"

He shrugged, looking down at his usual attire. "I never thought about that. I suppose this. What else would I wear?!"

Charlie scrunched his face and suggested. "Wear the suit your father gave you for Christmas. It's about time you had some fun in different clothes... and get rid of the gloves."

"Preposterous!" The great chocolatier, also a germaphobe, gawked at him in shock. "I never take off my gloves outside my tower. You know that."

The boy rolled his eyes. "But, Mr. Wonka, I don't think you need to be worried about getting germs from Miss Vicky. She's as squeaky clean as you. Besides, tomorrow is already Valentine's Day, a very special occasion. Don't you want to touch her hand and..."

"... feel her lips, her hair..." Mr. Wonka was in another dreamy daze yet again.

"Exactly." Charlie grinned. "Don't worry Mr. Wonka, you'll have a lot of fun."

As Mr. Wonka got up to walk away, Charlie could not help but remind him. "And don't forget to kiss her goodnight!" He snickered and began to make kissing noises, teasing the great chocolatier. Mr. Wonka glared as the boy ran inside laughing before shutting the door.

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