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Up in the tower, Miss Vicky searched her working space for any supplies they might need in the Inventing Room. She walked over to her gum machine and began looking for parts. Once she took a few of them apart, she found some very unfamiliar devices stuck to them. The tiny little nut bolts were almost hard to see. Putting on her binocular goggles she had to take a closer look. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she discovered camera lenses and microphone parts planted in them. Only one person would be in possession of such devices. It all came clear. It explained her unsuccessful Christmas season. How else was he able to release similar and upgraded versions of her ideas before she worked on them? No. It was impossible. It could not be. To her horror, she refused to think of such things.

She searched around more equipment and found several others installed as well... and a handful over her work desk where she jotted down her ideas. Her heart began racing as her eyes went dark and her lips were quivering. She could not contain herself any longer. She growled, detaching all of them and throwing some off to the side in a fit of rage. It could not be. It was not possible. She was being spied on.

She placed the devices in her pocket and sprinted out her door toward Willy Wonka's room. She opened his door and found several screens and speakers put away. That was all she needed to see. Her heart sank in utter disbelief as she paced, agonizing at the revelation. The despicable man has tricked her into falling in love with him only to be spying on her work the whole time. Of course, it was all a lie. Who would ever fall in love with her? Who in the right mind could fall for crazy, ugly, fat Chunky Vicky? Certainly no one, especially Willy Wonka. It was all a lie. She was kidding herself when she thought he got over their ongoing competition. It was always going to be a war between them. A lifelong rivalry. And she finally lost.

Miss Vicky went back to her room and began packing her bags, muttering to herself how foolish she was to fall into Willy Wonka's trap. She was disgusted with herself. For so long, she had never let anyone distract her. The moment she opened up herself to someone, she ended up betrayed and humiliated. It was never to happen again. Before she walked out of the room, she took off her hat, throwing it aside and tossed her cane. Her gum and candy making days were over.

Storming into the Inventing Room in absolute fury, tears were streaming down Miss Vicky's dark green eyes. Mr. Wonka's face brightened up seeing her again. As he approached her for an embrace, she shoved him forcefully and slapped him across his face.

"Don't you touch me!" She spat.

Mr. Wonka stood aghast, holding cheek as it began to throb from her slap. "What was that f-..."

"I hope you are satisfied with yourself, Mr. Wonka!" Her lips were quivering and her eyes flaring.

He was lost for words. "Vicky... what... what are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't you Vicky me, you conniving, egotistical, despicable, spying cad!" She fumed. "That's why you had me stay here! So you can spy on my work and steal my ideas! I don't believe you, after all I've been through and how much I trusted you! You tricked me into falling in love you so you could take my ideas only to take credit for yourself! I never thought you would ever stoop so low..." She began pacing in utter rage as Charlie watched, standing petrified. She looked like she was going to pull all her hair out and burn the place down.

"Vicky..." Mr. Wonka's heart sank as he remembered what he had done. He stammered. "It's... it's not what you think..."

"Oh really?! Where do you suppose these came from?!" She took out a handful of the spying devices from her pocket. "What do you suppose these are for?!"

He gawked at them in horror as he remembered the day he installed them and regretted every moment of it. He sighed in misery. "Alright, Miss Vicky, it's true. I put them on your machines to make sure you weren't trying to steal my ideas... and so I would be able to get your ideas before you worked on them. I was fed up with you being a step ahead of me again. I was tired of it. But I was wrong and I'm dreadfully sorry! I haven't regretted anything in my life until now! I really have fallen in love with you! Honestly! Oh, Vicky please? I didn't mean to disrespect your privacy!"

A Thin Line Between Gum and ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now