Chapter 4

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Kurt's POV
"Hey Boo!" Mercedes said as she answered the phone.

"Hey, Cedes. What are you up to? Wanna come over tonight?" I asked, getting ready to leave work for the night.

"Yeah! How about 30 minutes? I just need to finish up all this paper work. I'll see you soon, okay?" She said over the phone.

"See you then." I responded, hanging up the phone as I walked out of my office, into the lobby.

"Have a good night, Mr. Hummel."

"You too, Linda!"

"Oh wait! Mr. Hummel, before you go, Blaine Anderson rescheduled his appointment to 8 am tomorrow. You usually don't have appointments that early so I wanted to let you know to get here by then." She said looking up from her laptop.

"Thanks, Linda! So, no stopping for our coffee in the morning then! I've got to go. I'll see you before 8!" I walked out the door and down to the parking lot.
Why would someone schedule so early? I mean, my appointments are open at 8 am, but no one schedules them until at least 11. Weird.
Let me just get home and spend my night with Mercedes before I have to be up at a god awful time.

*20 minutes later*

*knock knock knock*
There's Mercedes I thought as I walked out of the kitchen to open the door.

"Hey, White Boy!" She said walking in, giving me a hug.

"Hey! How are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" I said, shutting the door behind her.

"I'm good! You know I've been trying to get a record deal. That's what I was doing earlier, making sure all my paper work was ready to be sent in! How about you? How are those gremlins you've been working with?" We walked over to the couch and sat down.

"The kids been good. I actually just got a new client today."

"Awe! Really? What the little devil's name?" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, he's a year younger than me. Which is weird because all I've ever taught were kids. When he walked in today I thought he was the father, so I actually started speaking to him! I felt so embarrassed when he asked me 'Do you always talk to your deaf clients like they can hear you'? It was awful." I said cupping my cheeks in my hands.

"Wow, Boo. That's pretty bad."

"Yeah. It was. There's just something about him that I just, can't put my finger on..."

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, do you like him?!" Mercedes shrieked.

"I just met him today!!! Plus, I don't even know if he's gay. He is really cute though." I thought about what he was wearing, the style screamed 'Old Man', but for some reason he really pulled it off. With his bow tie, polo shirt, khakis and boat shoes. He was adorable.

"What's his name?" Mercedes asked.

"Blaine. Blaine Anderson."

"Wait. THE BLAINE ANDERSON?! As in the Blaine Anderson that works with the recording studio that I've BEEN TRYING TO SIGN A RECORD DEAL WITH?!" Her eyes were budging out of her head.

"I mean, I guess so. He did say he worked as a music producer."

"Dresses like an old man? Has a TON of hair gel in his hair? Is a short hobbit?"

"Yes, well all except for the hair gel part. He didn't have any in when I saw him."

"I can't believe you're teaching Blaine Anderson. Wait. Why are you teaching him?"

"Um, he lost his hearing. He was in an accident, I'm not sure what happened, but he's deaf now and I have to help him learn sign language."

"How is he suppose to do his job? Kurt, he's BIG TIME. Don't you think they'll fire him?" She questioned.

"I taught him a way to still hear music, without hearing it." I said with a smile.

"When do you see him next?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Do you think you could ask him about my record?"

"MERCEDES! This man has just gone through a dramatic change in his life and you want me to ask him about your record?!" I asked astonished.

"Listen, Boo, I'm trynna make something better of my music career. The last thing that was produced was "Hell To The No" and we both know how that went for me. Just pleaseeeeeee." She begged.

"Fine. But if he says no, I'm not asking again!"

"Thanks, Boo! You're the best!" She leaned over giving me a hug.

"Yeah yeah. I know. I hate to kick you out, but Blaine scheduled an appointment earlier than I'm used to, so I have to get up early. But I'll call you tomorrow, okay? And stop by soon! I miss our girl talks!" I said getting up from the couch.

"Alright. You better ask Blaine for me. But I'll talk to you later, Boo. Love you!" She said as she walked towards the front door.

"Love you too!" I said, hearing the door close.

Ugh. I need a shower and sleep. "Blaine has only been my student for a day and he's already going to be the death of me. I just know it." I said, running my hand over my face, walking tiredly up the steps.

I need sleep too Kurt.
Until Next Time...

I Saw The Signs (A Klaine FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora