Chapter 8

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Blaine's POV
When I got home, plopped down on the couch with a smile on my face and looked down at my phone.

"1 New Message"
Kurt: I forgot to give you your food from last night! I'm tired of keeping your stuff in my car ;)

Me: You'll just have to give it to me tomorrow then. Do you think my food will be able to wait that long to see me again? It must miss me dearly.

I put my phone down on the table and walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle.
Dad was sitting at the kitchen table reading over the paperwork my doctor gave me earlier today.
He looked up from the paper and grabbed the whiteboard & marker next to him and started to write.

"Good, you're home. We need to talk." I looked at him questioningly and pulled the chair back, sitting down in it.

"About what?" I wrote.

He grabbed one of the papers and began to write on the whiteboard. He might as well have been writing a novel he was scribbling down so much. He finally handed over the whiteboard and I began to read it:

"There are many dangers to you getting the surgery. Just in this one paper there are many many many things that could go wrong. You could have brain damage, be stuck in a coma for God knows how long. Blaine, I don't want you to get the surgery. It's too dangerous. You could die. There's literally a precaution on the paper that says "Patient may or may not recover from operation". How am I suppose to allow you to get this done if there's a chance you might not wake up from it? You need my signature to get the operation, and you're not getting it. I'm not allowing you to get the surgery."

"You're fucking kiDDING ME!" I screamed.

"Blaine," he mouthed.

"I'm sorry WHAT?! SORRY I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU BECAUSE IM DEAF! YOU KNOW, I WOULD BE ABLE TO, BUT MY FATHER, tHe AMAZING parent that he is DOESN'T WANT ME TO GET THE SURGERY TO GET MY HEARING BACK! You know. They told me I had a chance. I could get the surgery. I could go back to work. Do what I always. wanted. to. fucking. do. my entire life, which if you didn't know, was RIPPED away from me the MOMENT I GOT ATTACKED! And NOW There's an OPTION for me to fulfill my dream and you don't WANT ME TO HAVE THAT CHANCE?! This isn't YOUR GOD DAMN CHOICE DAD!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT?! THIS IS MY LIFE, MY BODY, MY DISABILITY, MY DAMN CHOICE!" I screamed, throwing the board and paper down on the table and walking out of the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and walked through the elevator doors, running out of the lobby into the middle of the street.
Well isnt this FUCKING great.
It was pouring outside.

I'm writing this at 5:24 am
Until Next Time...

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