The Video

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"Hey guys, it's RedVacktor, and today we'll be..." Michael turned to me, and I waved back, staring awkwardly at the camera above the computer monitor. "Well, who are you?"
I stared at him for a moment, then laughed. "W-well.. I'm (y/n)."
Michael grinned, turning back to the cam. "And today we're gonna be playing Would You Rather. Would You Rather is a game where..."

While he explained, I tried to discreetly watch him, fascinated. Sure, I'd heard of gamers making YouTube videos, but I'd never really watched them. It was very interesting.
"So.. should we start?" He asked, turning to me.
"Oh! Yeah, let's go!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"Okay... So, the first one, would you rather... Lose your keys, or lose your cell phone?" He asked me, and I blinked, going into thinking mode.
"Well... Losing my keys, I could always call somewhere and get a new set, but... Losing my phone would cost more to replace, and it'd be complicated to set up and... so, lose my keys." I finished, grinning at him.
"And.... Nice! You were in the majority, 67%." He grinned back, and high fived me.
"Okay, your turn.." I leaned over him to click the next button. "Would you rather... Adopt Pusheen or adopt Nyan Cat?" I asked him, leaning back again.
"Oh, this is easy. Nyan Cat. Free music for the rest of my life, and it's probably edible." He answered, and I clicked it.
"71%. Nice one." I grinned. "There should be a punishment for this, like whoever loses buys the other lunch."
He grinned widely. "You're on. Hope you like Olive Garden." He taunted.

Nearly ten minutes later, we were on the last question, one for him.
"Okay, so... Would you rather get one million dollars or find true love?" I asked him, holding back a blush. This aught to be interesting.
"Oh... Well, um..." He looked at me, and I felt my face heating uncontrollably. "I guess I'd choose... the true love. Because what's money without happiness?"
I sat, dazed, for a moment before leaning over and clicking it. "Nice! 59%! I guess you win, then..." I sighed, and then laughed.
Michael started his intro, and once it was over I left the office, hearing a strange commotion. "One sec, Michael, I'm gonna go look out here.." I walked out, and was immediately bombarded.

"Hey, (y/n), it's the 7 second challenge! Ready?"

Thank you guys soooooo much for 100 views! It's kind of hard to believe I've gotten this far and it's thanks to you! Next chapter, epic romaticals :3

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