New Home

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"Home sweet home." Michael exclaimed, opening the door to his, John's, and Nick's (I hadn't met Nick yet, but I heard he was cool) apartment. I looked around, impressed.
"Definitely better than mine." I said, and turned to him, getting on my tippy toes and pecking him on the cheek.

We'd been, well, dating, for a few months now, and Michael decided it was dumb for me to be living alone, so he invited me to live with him. And I agreed. So now I share a room with him, and there is no doubt that John and probably Nick will be teasing us endlessly, but honestly I don't care anymore. We're-I'm-happy.

He showed me his room, and I laughed. It was a casual gamer setup, with a smaller tv, an Xbox 1, and a messy bed. Well, actually, it was pretty neat, considering. I set down my bag, and sat on his bed.
"Is this even enough room for two?" I asked him, skeptical.
He laughed, and grinned. "If we cuddle."
I giggled, feeling my face flush red. "No need to convince me." I said flippantly, and smiled shyly as he sat next to me.
"Hey, so Adam invited all of us to a baseball game in a few days." He said off-topically. "Do you want to come?" He smiled at me hopefully, and I sighed.
"Despite the fact that I get nothing about baseball whatsoever, I'll go." I succumbed. "You always look so adorable when you beg." I ruffled his reddish-ginger hair, smiling widely.
He laughed, then looked me in the eyes, his full of love. "(y/n)..." He whispered.
I smiled, and did the one thing that never failed to mess me up when I was around others: Panic. "Yeah, hey, wh-what's up?" I stammered, succeeding in making him laugh.

"Nothing. Wanna play Mario Kart?"

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