First Day

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The next day I came to my new job, my heart aching and pounding. I was scared to walk in, but I knew I had to. I accepted this job. So I got out of my car, taking a deep breath and... Walking straight into someone.
"Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up and freezing. It was Michael. He was beet red, looking down at me without smiling. It hurt to watch, and I mumbled another apology before running off. I could hear him calling after me, but I just couldn't turn to see him.
I went inside, yawning, my heart pounding. I walked for a bit, then found Tim.
"Hey, follow me. Adam got you an office, since he thinks you'll get... like, bothered by us." He laughed, and I joined him. He led me down the hall, to a clear office.
"All yours. Get comfortable." He laughed, gave me a high five, and left.
I slouched into the desk chair, realizing that it was the same one I'd used yesterday. I smiled sadly, then looked at the computer in front of me. I stopped, listening for any of the guys, then pulled up one of my favorite songs, and began singing.
As a kid, I'd sung for fun, and as I grew up my mother encouraged it, saying I had a gifted voice. I never really sung professionally, but I kept singing, since it made my mother happy. And this song was one that I had memorized, my favorite.
As the song faded out I sighed, stretching. I heard a cough from the doorway, and turned to see Michael standing there.
I felt my face go bright red as we stared at each other. I coughed. "U-um, i-is there something you need, Michael?" I stammered.
He just looked at me, then walked forward. I blinked, my heart pumping. I got up, looking at him, and he looked back. Then he rose his hand, slipping it along my jawline and resting it under my cheek.
"Hey, (y/n)?" He said softly. I shivered.
"Yeah, Michael?"
"Would it be okay... if I kissed you?"

I felt my heart skip a beat, and was sure he could feel it too. My eyes were locked on his, and I knew that I would be unable to respond, my throat was too dry. So I did what I could-I grabbed his collar, pulled him towards me, and planted a kiss on his lips. I felt him freeze, obviously shocked, then he kissed me back.
He pulled away, whispering in my ear. "In case you couldn't tell, I quite like you, (y/n)."He murmured, and I shivered, though my entire body was burning up.
"If I could think straight I'd say something really cute, too, but all I can think is that you're a really good kisser." I murmured breathlessly, and felt him shake with laughter.
He backed up slightly, grinning at me with bright eyes. I smiled back widely, unable to contain my happiness.
"I just got to work, guys, I don't need your happiness." I looked around Michael to see a pretty blond girl with a big grin.
"Em! Tell nobody!" Michael spun around, his eyes wide.
"Too late!" She ran off.
Michael sighed, turning back to me. "There really was no way to avoid that, I guess." He laughed nervously, and I punched his arm lightly.
"As long as they don't grab a camera we'll live." I teased, and sat down. "Well, I don't know how to edit, so I assume I'm gonna have someone come in and teach me at one point, right?"
He leaned down, giving me a kiss. "I'll see you later, okay? Now, if we pretend nothing happened maybe we can trick them." He laughed, and dashed out.

Saved My Life (RedVacktor x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz