I'm... What?

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I stared at Michael, feeling my own face flush. "Wh-what?" I stammered, embarrassed for no reason.
He laughed nervously, waving his hand. "Nothing, just thinking to myself." I watched him flush brighter, and I laughed.
"Yeah, when pigs fly." I muttered, but let it go. "So... You work with that guy? What do you do?"
He smiled sheepishly. "Well... I make YouTube videos for teens and kids. Of video games." He laughed nervously. "It's kinda childish, but... It's a fun job. Maybe you'd enjoy seeing it sometime?"
I blinked in surprise, then nodded, smiling. "It sounds... pretty cool. I work in a video production studio, mostly supervision, and I can get off time super-easy. Since I'm free today, maybe you could show me around." He nodded enthusiastically, and I laughed, collecting my stuff.

"Hey, let me drive." Michael said, and I stared at him skeptically before tossing him the keys.
"If we crash I'm suing you." I teased, giggling slightly. He held open the passenger door for me as I got in, causing me to blush uncontrollably, and then we were off.

As we walked into the office, I was instantly bombarded by a camera.
"So Red returns from his daaate~!" A taller man who was semi-bald jumped out, and I yelped in surprise, falling back (adorably) into Michael's arms.
"Barney!" He yelled, laughing, and helped me regain my balance. I stared at the man, my face bright red. But before I could question him, he ran off, laughing.
I looked at Michael. "Red?" I questioned.
He laughed. "My YouTube name. His is ThatGuyBarney, but his name's John."
I nodded, grinning. Then I flushed brighter. "Did he just record me." I asked flatly.
He nodded.
"Saying we went on a date."
Michael froze, and went tomato red.
"We should probably catch him."

Thank you soo much for 50 views! I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am writing it!

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