The Beginning

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I huddled closer to my brothers and sister. I was only a day old at the time but I remember it as if it were yesterday. My sister's name is Sapphire. My two brothers are Ruby and Gold. My father called me Silver EeEe. My mother never named me, so my father did. She said I was a mistake. A monster. I didn't know if I was or not. So I asked dad.
"Daddy am I a mistake?" He shook his head. "Your mother's just.... Ugh being mean that's all." I stared at him for a moment. He seemed uncertain but for some reason I admired him. He was just a Eevee like us, but he was more than that. He was the strongest and bravest Eevee I ever knew. (Even though I only knew my family.) But I really want to be like him.

That night I lay in my den thinking about what mom and dad said. Was I a mistake? To be honest I've always felt different. My brothers, sister, mom, and many more Pokémon look at me strangely. Now that I think about it, when me and my siblings play-battle I'd always loose. They would tease me because I'm a runt. A weak one actually.
My own mother won't even let me sleep with her! It's not like I have the PokéVirus!!! Earlier she pushed me away and told me to go in the far corner of the cave. It was cold, not gonna lie. But with some moss and feathers, it wasn't half bad. I also hated how I was always last. The last one to drink. The last one to eat. I also hate my dad's sorrowful glances at me. Ugh....
I stared at the stars, gazing at them for a moment, wondering if this is how it's always going to be. But I shook that thought away. Arceus wouldn't let that happen. He was the Pokémon god. He wouldn't let any of us down. Including a small Eevee like me. And I would always believe that. Always.

One day, my mom went too far. I was playing a game with my sister and brothers when Gold hit me. "Hey! Why did you do that!" I yelled at him. Gold snickered. "Because your just a dumb runt! Mommy said so!" Tears were trying to crawl down my face, but I wouldn't let them. "Well guess what Gold! She's wrong! And your just as stupid to believe her!" Gold growled in annoyance and struck my face with his claws. Warm blood slowly trickled down my face, into my eyes. I yelped at the sight of it. Did Gold just... Just hit me?! To my surprise, Sapphire and Ruby were laughing. Laughing! They were laughing at my pain! Rage burned up inside me and I leaped at Gold and grabbed his neck with my teeth. I wasn't going to kill him, I just wanted to scare him. Using all my strength, I swung him around and threw him at a rock. I stood there, panting. I ignored the fear in Ruby's and Sapphire's faces and instead focused on what the heck I've did. "Mommy!!!!" Sapphire yelled in fear. Oh Poképuffs! She's gonna blame it on me. I thought silently to myself. I turned to see mother already heading our way though. Before I could think of anything too say, her claws met my fur and I was flung in the air. Its strange how when your in the air, everything else is in slow motion. Until the ground rushes in and meets my face. I landed with a thud and tears in my eyes. I couldn't help it. I was hurt. Physically and mentally. My mom just clawed me! "It was an, an accident." I managed to whimper as my mother padded towards me. "Oh that was an accident? Then this is too!!!" I screamed in pain as her claws raked against me again. As I screamed, her weight lifted and I saw my father pulling her off of me. They started to argue but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The world faded and all was black.

I awoke once from a nightmare I couldn't remember. My father was curled around me. "Daddy?" "Shhhh." He whispered. "Go to sleep." I was tired anyway so I closed my eyes and huddled closer to him. "I'll protect you." He whispered. "I know you will." I murmured. Then I let sleep take over my tired body once again.

I awoke with my mom and dad outside yelling at each other. I tip toad to the entrance of the cave and peeked out at them. "Still, I don't like the way you treat EeEe!" My father said. "Wow. You even named that thing?" She said, her voice full of discussed. "Yes! And that thing you are talking about is our daughter!" He growled. "I'll tell you what she is! She's a mistake! Her fur is silver! She's not like us!" My mother growled. I gasped. She is right. I am an outcast. "No." My father said, shaking his head. "She's our daughter and she's beautiful. Her fur color doesn't matter! EeEe's the same as me and you!" His voice rose. "If you don't understand that, then you are no longer my mate!!!" I gasped. Did he just go there?
Ruby lifted his head "What's going on?" He asked in a drowsy voice. "Shhhh!!!" I hissed at him. I turned towards my parents again. "Well guess what?! I guess I'm not your mate! And you no longer are their father! Not anymore, not now, not ever!" I peeked my head out further to see more. I watched in horror as my mother lunged at my dad's throat! His eyes widened with shock because like me, he didn't see what was coming. I don't know how long her jaws were around his neck, but it felt like hours, watching my father's struggle. He clawed and yanked at my mom but still, she held on. Finally, she withdrew her jaws and my dad just stood there, shocked. Then he collapsed. "Noooo!!!!" I shouted and ran to my injured father. "No, no, no, no." I repeated and buried my head in his fur. I let my tears soak him. A clash of thunder sounded overhead but I ignored it. I also ignored his sticky blood that was surrounding us. Then he gasped and spoke. "EeEe?" "Yes daddy it's me!" I said. "EeEe, I want you to know, that you aren't a mistake. You are one of a kind. "And I love you." He managed to say between gasps.
He was about to speak again when a clash of thunder cut his voice off. I watched, stunned. As his breathing grew shallower and shallower. Then it stopped. Daddy no!!!!" I yelled. Rain came poaring from the sky, as if Arceus was crying too. I lied against him crying and crying until I couldn't cry anymore. I heard footsteps and knew my mother was approaching. "Your next." She whispered in my ear. I turned as fast as lightning and slashed my claws across her face. Then, I ran. I dodged trees, rocks, anything that was in my way. I didn't look to see if my mom was following me. Nor did I care. I just wanted my father back. I stumbled  over a stupid Wurmple and fell face first in the mud. I cried even more. I cried because of how weak I was. I could've tried to stop her. I could've stopped her. But I didn't. Instead I wimped out and now my father's dead. The Wurmple stood in front of my face, staring at me. "Go away." I hissed at it. The dumb Pokémon just sat there. "GO AWAY!!!" I growled and kicked it. The Wurmple went flying in the air and landed a few pawsteps away in a puddle. The small Pokémon fainted. "Hmph" I rolled my eyes, sighed, and slept.

Chapter 1 is now finished! Finally! Don't worry though, the Creepy Parts are soon to arrive. Also, do you guys like the names I've chosen? I couldn't think of anything else?
Either way, Goooodbyyyyyyye!!!!!!

P.s Thank you for you taking the time to read my story, really, it means a lot, even if you don't vote. Please comment!

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