Sapphire, Ruby and Gold

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I twitched my ear to a sudden noise outside of the den, it was barely sunhigh but woke Shade up anyways. "Shade." I said, pawing his shoulder. "Mmph." He said. "Shade." I said a little bit louder. "I'm dreaming." He mumbled back. I growled in frustration. I clawed the tip of his ear and yelled "SHADE!" He sat up straight and growled. "What was that for!" "Shhhh.... Someone's outside." I whispered to me. I stayed silent, listening for any noises. To my surprise we heard nothing. "I could've sworn I heard something." I said. "You woke me up for nothing!" Shade growled. I shook my head. "No I h-" "EeEe, I need to talk to you." A voice said from outside the cave. "Gold." I muttered. Shade yawned and stretched. "I'm going to hunt. Or do you want me to stay here?" "No, I'm fine. It's just my brother. " OK, I'll be back." He said and licked my cheek. We headed outside the cave and went our separate ways.

"EeEe, I need to talk to you." I nodded. "I heard." He took a step closer, as I backed away. "What do you want?" I asked. "Revenge, EeEe. I want Revenge." I ticked my ears. "I'm sorry Gold, did I hear you right?" I said. I took another step back. "Kill him." The voices said. I shook my head. Gold growled and stepped even closer to me. I wanted to be shocked, but I couldn't be. I never gotton along with me.His golden fur sparked with electricity. "Gold, you don't want to do this." He smiled, showing his fangs. "Actually, I do." He said, smirking. "Gold, anger and fear can take over you, and make you do things you'll regret later." I said that because in my head, the voices were trying to take over. "Gold! Listen to her! She's our sister!" A voice yelled from behind. Gold whipped around, facing Ruby. How would you know! Your just as weak as her!" Gold shouted angrily. To my surprise, Gold leaped at Ruby, fangs bared and claws unleashed. Ruby let out a scream as Gold landed on top of him. "Gold stop!" Sapphire yelled in a fearful voice. I leaped at them and toar Gold off of Ruby's small wriggling body. I released Gold and stared at him angrily. "Gold why did you do that!" Sapphire yelled. "Because he's in my way, just as you!" He growled and leaped at her. Before my brain realized what was happening, I jumped between them and took a hard blow to my left flank.

I felt it, but didn't at the same time. I let out a growl and elbowed him to the ground. He hit the grass and I pinned him down. "Gold, I swear to Arceus, if you weren't my brother, I'd kill you by now!" I hissed in his ear. I released him and backed away. Gold came at me again aiming for my throat. "Guys don't fight!" Ruby begged. I dodged out of the way." "EeEe, you aren't my sister and you never will be! So I guess that rule doesn't apply!" He growled again. I shook my head. "No Gold, your wrong. I am your sister and I always will be!" He pounced at me, but I shoved him out of the way. I shoved him a little to far and he landed head first into an oak.

His head had a slow trickle of blood flowing down his face. "Gold?" I asked, walking over to him. Did I just kill my brother? "Gold?" I asked again. My voice was getting shakey. To my surprise, he leaped at me and his claws met my throat. "Gold! EeEe!" Sapphire and Ruby said in unison. Not again. I thought. I lay limb and held my breath, hoping he'd think I died. He released me and I fell to the ground. I kept my eyes open for effect. "EeEe!" A voice shouted. Huh, Shade made it. I leaped up and pushed Gold to the ground. "Kill him." We wrestled around until we rolled downhill. He nipped at me and I clawed him, I felt small rocks pushing into my fur. Huh, that's strange. Why is the ground sloping? "WATCH OUT!!!!" A frightened voice yelled. Too late. The grass underneath me turned into air, and me and Gold were falling. I flailed my paws in the air, trying to find something to grip on. I snatched a brach that grew into the cliff and held on tight. I used my other paw to grab Gold. We sat there, dangling for a moment. "A little help here!" I shouted. Three heads appeared from the top of the cliff. Shade reached his paw over the cliff but we were to far. "Hold on!" Shade shouted and disappeared from view. "EeEe, I'm sorry." Gold said unhappily. "No, Gold. It's my fault. I-" "No EeEe! It was my fault. You were right. Anger and fear took over me." I smiled. "Gold, don't worry,I-" My sentence faltered as I couldn't finish, the branch cracked broke, and we were falling again. Actually, I felt like I was flying! Until the ground came closer. Then I started screaming. (I mean, come on, you would too, if you were falling 1,000,000 pawsteps off a cliff) It was fast and everything came by as a blur. I screamed louder when Gold landed on the ground with a loud crack. I fell next to him and then everything went black. Just, darkness.

Yaaaa.... Sorry for the cliff hanger. But don't worry, we got more chapters to go. So my little Mudkipz, I'll see you later,


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