Alone or Not...

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I twitched my ears, hearing the sound of bird Pokémon chirping. I stood up, dizzy for a moment. What happened? I thought to myself. Then, it hit me. My dad's dead. My mom killed him. She's a murderer. I looked around but had no idea where I was. So I kept walking. One pawstep after another. It seemed as if the weight lifted and every pawstep grew easier and easier. I can do this. Who cares if my mother hates me. Who cares about Gold, Ruby, and Sapphire? I kept walking not caring about anything, except one thing. My father's revenge. And I vow I will pay her back. My mom wouldn't know what hit her.

I lifted one paw after another slowly. I was stalking a Ratatta. I haven't eaten in days, and this Ratatta was the only prey I've seen. I checked the wind, making sure it was blowing towards me. I remember dad saying that wind can carry your scent to the prey and I didn't want that to happen. I also checked the ground for branches and leaves. (I learned that one my first few failed attempts at catching prey) I judged the distance between us, making sure I could pounce. When I was sure of myself I pushed off my back legs and landed claws outstretched, on top of the small Pokémon. I gave it a swift bite to finish it off. "Thank Arceus!" I silently said. That was one good thing about mom. At least she hunted for me. Well, dad made her but still counts. As I ate, I felt someone or something watching me. The wind shifted in my direction and sure enough, I smelled a strange scent. A growl soon followed. I turned to the sound of the growl and saw a Mightyena heading in my direction. Oh, great. Just what I needed.
Another idiot to ruin my day. "I don't want to start any trouble with you but-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he didn't care and leaped at me. I wasn't prepared for the jump, but at the last moment, I dodged the attack. "Let me repeat myself, I don't want to start any trouble with you but...." Oh Puffins! I was trying to stall him, but I can't even do that! He growled again, probably annoyed that his prey escaped him. He leaped again but this time I was prepared. Well, I thought I was, until he stumbled and fell on top of me. His fur was suffocating. Literally. It also stunk like I don't know what. He rolled off me and grabbed my by the neck. I managed to yell "Arrck!" But to be honest, I don't even know what that meant. I struggled and began to claw at his fur. Is this how father felt? I began to gasp for air and I couldn't fight as hard for him to let me go. Then I started to see black. But as soon as I saw it, it was gone. And I was thrown on the ground. I looked up, to see an Eevee biting and scratching the Mightyena. He can't fight it on his own! I stood up, a little wobbly at first. But I regained my balance and leaped atop of the Mightyena. I gripped a clawfull of it's fur and held on tight. I also bit into the back of it's neck, having no idea what I was doing. But whatever I was doing, worked. The other Eevee slashed at it's feet, making the Mightyena stumble and fall. At the last moment I leaped back, trying not to get crushed again. The Mightyena scrambled up, in a hurry and growled at us. To which me and the other Eevee growled back. I leaped at it and scratched it's muzzle and the Pokémon ran away yipping. Me and the Eevee looked at each other and laughed in relief. "That. Was. AWESOME!!!" He yelled, his tail wagging fiercely. Sure, I almost died (Not like I haven't before) but I couldn't help but agree with him. "Thank you for your help." I said, blushing. I licked at the blood on my fur, hoping he wouldn't notice. If he did, he showed no sign. "No problem!" He said proudly. I looked up, into his deep, blue eyes. "My name is EeEe." "And I'm Shadow." He said. We both looked at each other and laughed again. I don't know why, but we did.

I was laying by Shadow's side, talking to him. "Shadow, I can't sleep." "Me neither." "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "You just did." I smiled and ignored him. "Shadow, have you ever noticed my fur color?" I regretted the words as soon as I spoke them. "Yes I have EeEe. But do you know what? I don't care. I don't care about your fur color, I don't care about your size, I love you the way you are." I smiled and blushed. "That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me." He laughed. "Then I should tell you more often." I beamed. "Shadow, my father told me about true love, at first I didn't believe it could happen... But now, I'm not so sure because I found you." He smiled. "Yes, true love is real because me and you found it." I smiled and snuggled against him. For once after a long time, I didn't feel so alone.

I awoke with Shadow gone. "Must've went hunting." I sat up, yawned, and sniffed the air, searching for prey. Taillow! I crept up to the small blue Pokémon and prepared to leap. The blue Pokémon was chasing a Wurmple around in circles. I stopped mid pawstep. I know that Wurmple! Its the one I kicked. I giggled but stopped myself. I didn't want the Taillow to hear me. Even though the noise they were making was ten times louder then my laughter. But I realized that the Taillow caught up too the Wurmple and had it's claws around the Wurmple. "Oh no you don't!" I leaped onto the Taillow's wings, making it screech in shock and release the Wurmple. The Wurmple let out a small "Thank you." And took off. Which to my disadvantage, I was so small I was being carried in the air by a Taillow. Great. I bit it's neck causing the Pokémon to fall out of the sky, along with me. I don't know who screamed louder, me or the Taillow. The bird Pokémon landed in the grass with a small thud. But to my luck, I landed right on top of it. I heard the snap of bones breaking underneath me. "Ooops." I sat up and shook my fur. "That's one way to hunt!" Shadow said while laughing. "Like you can do any better." I hissed at him. "Oh, I'm sure I can." He said jokingly. He moved his paws to show me a dead Magikarp. "You son of a Arceus!" I muttered and picked up my squashed prey.
  "You should've seen the looks on your faces!" I rolled my eyes. He's been pestering me about that for a while now. "Finally, let's eat!" I said as we approached his den. "How about we eat outside?" He asked. "I don't know. Are you gonna dis my hunting skills?" I said. We laughed and sat in front of a pond. "Isn't it beautiful?" Shadow asked. I looked at the sunset reflected in the pond. Then I saw our reflection. I narrowed my eyes and blinked. What the? My reflection wasn't me. It was a monster! It was a shiny Eevee. But not. It had the ears and tail of an Espeon, leaking blood. I blinked in astonishment but when my eyes opened, it was gone. All I saw was me and Shadow. "What is it?" Shadow asked me. I swallowed a lump of fear. "Nothing it's just... We're so perfect together. This is perfect!" Shadow smiled. "I know." And it was true. Nothing was wrong. Everything was... Perfect. I smiled and put my tail around Shadow and leaned against him. Perfect. Just like us. I looked up to see a single star in the sky, shining brighter than our love. And for a moment I forgot about my reflection.

Who here likes this Shadow character? I think they make a cute couple. ;) This chapter was a little harder, I couldn't think of how they would meet. But I tried and I like it!

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