Finding My Shadow

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I ran faster, knowing I was close. I saw his den and ran happier towards it, but something stopped me. A pair of red eyes stared at me from the shadows. "Shade?" I asked. His yellow rings glowed in the darkness. "EeEe, is that really you?" "Yes!" I barked happily. Shade jumped on top of me, pinning me to the ground. "I've missed you so much!" He yelled and licked me in the face. "Me too." I said, tears falling down my face. Shade got up, looking confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head. "Shade, it-it's just that, I've missed you so much!" I said and cried tears of joy. He hugged me. "I know. I know."

We lied down in his cave. I was happy I finally found him. But I also wasn't, because what if the voices tell me to kill him next? No. I shouldn't think negative. I'm with Shade and that's all that matters. I twisted and turned but no matter what, I couldn't fall asleep. I needed to tell him. I had too. But what if he-no. No what ifs. I can't lie to him. I also don't want to hide it. "Shade?" He turned towards me, "Ya?" I sighed. "There's something I have to tell you. And, please forgive me."

I told him. I told him my story. How I was caught, my battles, and last of all, my kills. He seemed to have no emotion to my story at all. He just nodded. "Then, I came here to find you." I said. Shade nodded and sighed. Here it comes, I thought.

"I don't care." "What?" I asked, confused. Did he just say what I think he just said? He sat up straighter. "I don't care if you were caught by a trainer, I don't care about your evolution, and I most certainly don't care about you killings!!!" I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. "Actually, I do care a little but still! EeEe I love you with all my heart! That's why I waited here, every day for you to come back, and you did. That's all I could've asked for, because I know, no matter what you do, you are perfect!" He took a breath and like a whisper, he said, "And I love you." I smiled and purred. "I love you too Shade, and I promise that we'll never be separated ever again."

Sorry for the short chapter but I haven't been on lately and I wanted to get something done. As I said earlier, we are almost finished with this book, so bear with me. So goodbye for now, my little Mudkipz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  (Also, I'm gonna call you my Mudkipz from now on)


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