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if you asked Luke for the exact moment he fell for calum, he wouldn't be able to tell you.

he just remembers that one day calum was a short kid in his elementary school class, the one who had both of his front teeth missing and always choose to play soccer during free gym. the next time calum was helping him dust off after being shoved into the ground from the biggest asshole in their grade. one time calum was pacing Luke's room, nervously ringing his hands as he thought of cool pick up lines to say to the girl who sat behind him in science. when Calum ran into his room holding the brand new bass he received for Christmas.

he can't remeber the moment that he fell in love with Calum.

he remembers one day calum and him were lying on his bed cuddling and he got his funny feeling in his chest. he remembers having to say it, like he would explode if he didn't. I love you slipped past his lips as his cheeks turned red. Calum just smiled said he loved him too. the feeling didn't go away, and even then Luke knew he loved calum in a deeper way, a way that he probably shouldn't.

Luke eyes flew open; standing above his bed was calum himself.

"hey, I think you were having a nightmare" Calum's face was twisted into one of worry as he stared at Luke. Luke sighed and nodded his head.

"I think I was" but sadly this nightmare is one that I'm living "what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to see you and you weren't answering your phone so I just came over. I was just going to let you sleep but you were jumping around and I saw you were having a nightmare" luke nodded again and scootched over to the right side of his bed.

"can we cuddle?" Calum immediately smiled and began taking off his jeans and tank top. when he finished, he slid into the left side of Luke's bed and reached his arms out for Luke. once he found Luke's waist he pulled him so they were facing each other and Luke's head was on his chest.

Calum just knew that Luke wanted to be held, so he did just that. Luke's head was on his chest and his legs were wrapped around Calum's waist as calum layed on his back and Luke layed on top of him. Calum linked his fingers together behind Luke's back.

"what was your dream about?" Calum softly questioned. Luke stiffened a little before giving him a lie for an answer.

"it was about my mum" he couldn't tell Calum that he was actually dreaming about how he doesn't love him back, that'll be embarrassing. especially since calum doesn't love him back.



"it was about my mum" Luke's voice was shaking, and it didn't take calum any time to figure out that Luke was lying. he didn't want to tell Calum the real dream he had and that's okay, Calum isn't going to push him.

for the last week being with Luke had been a rare occurrence. after school he was always had plans that Calum couldn't help him with, even though he had seen Ashton and Michael enter his house just yesterday. the only time he really saw him anymore was at school and football practice, and that was nowhere near enough for him.

to go from seeing someone everyday in school and out of school for years to all of a sudden being lucky if you saw them in school was a big jump, a jump calum didn't like at all.

after asking Michael and Ashton what was wrong with Luke didn't help anything, Calum just decided to come over to Luke's house and demand answers. but seeing him have a nightmare was that last thing he thought he would see.

there was something seriously wrong with Luke, and he was going to figure out what is was and help him with it, not matter what. because that's what best friends do.

"I feel like I don't see you anymore, are you avoiding me?" Calum asked, combing his fingers through the the top of Luke's blonde hair.

"not at all, I've just had alot on my mind" Luke's voice was kinda mumbled from being pressed against Calum's chest.

"can i help you with it?" Calum held his breath, the last time he asked Luke what was wrong, it wasn't an answer he wanted to hear.

"I found a bunch of stuff my mum left me, and I miss her alot" calum breathed regularly again and had to stop himself from sighing in relief.

"I'm sorry Luke, at least you have more things to remember her by, yeah?" Calum ran this palm up and down the length of Luke's back, soothing the younger blonde.

"I'm guess" calum could tell by the volume of Luke's voice he was going to sleep again. so calum closed his eyes and slept as well

that was a filler but I wanted more cake in this I feel like they never have cake moments anymore

leave love!

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