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Luke opened his eyes to see a mop of curly black hair next to his face. he could strongly smell beer and the cologne Calum uses. a small breeze blew past the curtains and stirred calum from his slumber.

he groggily rolled over from facing luke on his side to laying flat on top of Luke, chest to chest. Luke lowered his arms from Calum's back to his waist to hold him in place on his chest. Calum's nuzzled his face into Luke's neck, making Luke laugh at the feeling.

"we should wake up", luke lightly shook calum as the elder grumbled.

"why can't we just cuddle all day?", Calum brung his legs up so they wrapped around lukes waist. Luke sat up and pressed Calum's chest towards his. Calum locked his ankles behind Luke and put his arms around his shoulder, head still in Luke's neck.

"because I'm hungry" luke stood and left the room and began to walk down the stairs and into his kitchen. he set calum down on the counter beside the stove and let his arms release his thighs. the second luke stepped away of from calum, Calum reached forwards and pulled him back into his embrace again.

"don't leave, you're warm", luke felt his stomach swarm with butterflies as he bit his lips to hide his smile.

"just one second, yeah? let me get something out of the fridge and I'll be back", Calum reluctantly removed his arms and legs from Luke's body and Luke dashed over to the fridge to get bread, butter, and cheese to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

when he came back to the stove and counter, Calum had turned on the counter so he was facing the stove and had one leg hanging off. when luke was close enough he wrapped his free leg around lukes waist and pulled his back towards his chest. Luke quickly made both of them sandwiches and when he finished, they both ate their sandwiches with no words in that same position.

after they finished, luke picked calum up and walked back up to his room. he layed back down on his bed and scooted over to let calum lay down. the second calum placed himself on Luke's mattress, luke rolled over on top of calum and sat up.

"we should probably discuss, well, us" luke spoke as he reached down and connected his hand with Calum's. calum groaned and pressed the side of his face into the pillow and closed his eyes.

"I love you, you love me, what's there to discuss?" and while Luke's heart fluttered hearing calum say those words so confidently, he was slowly becoming annoyed with how relaxed calum was with everything.

"calum everytime I think of you, I jump. you know how important it is that I gain control, and I don't know if being with you will be the best thing for us right now" luke lowered his eyes as they began to water at the thought of not being able to control jumping.

"luke" calum squeezed Luke's hand and Luke raised his eyes to see calum smiling up at him. "I've waited to long to be with you just for us to break apart when things got hard. I mean, I've never dealt with something like this before, but I believe in you. I love you Luke, and I'm not going to stop"

Luke's face heated up and he leaned down so he was laying on top of Calum's chest with his chin propped up in his hand.

"we could die" luke reminded him with a goofy smile on his face.

"at least I'll die with you" luke leaned in and kissed him, and instantly felt like everything is going to start looking up for him.


this is super short of know I'm sorry! but cake is together yay

leave love!

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