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I'm so sorry I'm an ass and haven't updated in a month but instead of doing a bunch of fillers I wrote this enjoy

L U K  E

"calum! could you stop distracting him??" Calum was snapped out of his starring contest with Luke by Ben's loud voice. he felt a familiar cold chill before Ben snapped his fingers for the 30th time that hour.

"do you know that that was the 7th jump I've stopped in the hour that you've been here? Luke how are you supposed to learn how to control your jumps when you can't even control yourself?"

Luke, who was sitting in a desk chair across from calum and Ben, who were Ben's basement couch, shrugged and pointed at calum. "he started it"

Ben rolled his eyes as calum gasped. as the two began to bicker, Ben stood up and paced around the perimeter of the room. "how many jumps have you had so far?"

when his question wasn't answered for a few minutes, Ben turned around from his spot across the room only to see Luke straddling Calum's lap with his tounge down his throat. Ben huffed in fustration and walked over to yank luke off of Calum's lap by grabbing on the back of his shirt.

"I'm trying to not regret helping you, so please answer me" luke rolled off of Calum's lap and layed on bis back in the couch.

"I really don't remember, like 5 or 6?"

"5 or 6 times?? you realize you only have 1 or 2 more jumps left?"

"of course I realize that, Ben. I'm not an idiot"

"well you're acting like one. this lesson is over, maybe we can try again tomorrow" Ben sat down on the couch and leaned back as Luke stood up and helped calum up.

"bye ben" and "see ya!" were called down the stairs as the two left. Ben shook his head and rolled his eyes at his soon to be dead brother.


C  A  L  U  M

Calum leaned back and disconnected their lips, gasping for air. Luke surged forward to reconnect their lips but Calum leaned away. Luke whined and fisted his hands in the back end of Calum's tee shirt in an effort to pull him closer, but Calum placed his hands on Luke's chest and pushed him and forced him back.

Calum was straddling Luke's lap on his couch. Luke rolled his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the couch and caught his breath.

"are you scared?" Calum whispered as he played with the end on Luke's shirt.

"scared of what?" Luke tilted his head so he could look at Calum properly.

"you only have one jump left Luke. and you haven't completely learned control" Calum's eyes lowered to the necklace on Luke's neck that was only half purple.

"I still have trainings with Ben, there's still time cal"

"but what if it's too late, what if the jump comes and you're not ready?"

"can we not talk about this? I just wanna be with you" luke leaned off the couch and gently cupped Calum's face in his hand.

"that's the problem. you haven't been training because you've been with me, and if we both die? then we really can't be together" luke leaned forward and pressed their lips together quickly.

"please trust me, nothing will happen to you, I promise" luke leaned forward and hugged calum, trying to distract him from what he said. But all calum was thinking about was if they would survive this.

"cmon, let's go get something to eat" when Calum didn't immediately respond luke placed his fingers in Calum's chin and raised his eyes. "please?"

Calum sighed and gave in, nodding slightly. he stood up and reached out a hand to help luke up, only to be pulled down into a loving kiss. the  maori felt his stress melt away through the kiss and he pulled back with a smile.

"Let's go" this time calum really did pull luke up and both of them exited Luke's house. they got in Luke's car with Luke in the driver's seat and Calum connected his phone to the speakers and instantly started playing Usher.

Luke laughed at the dance moves calum was pulling and blushed when Calum started to serenade him during "without you". Luke's face flushed as the back of his neck grew cold and clammy and his vision blacked out.

he opened his eyes when Calum let out a scream. Luke's car was banged up and the windows were completely shattered. the car was in the forest surrounded by trees and if Luke looked up, he could see the street and fence they drove through before rolling down the hill to their spot now.

Luke looked at Calum as much as he could through his blacking vision.
"are you okay? Calum, are you okay?"

"my vision is gone, I can't see anything luke" Luke's blood ran cold and he head started to pound. he broke out in cold sweats and he realized what was happening. he held his necklace in his hand and he concentrated, and Calum gasped.

"I can see, wow just- Luke? what's happening?" Luke didn't realize he was crying until he tried to answer Calum's question.

"I'm jumping, I'm so sorry" luke heard sirens from police cars and ambulances. he could hear people talking and shouting, probably about their wreck.

"luke baby no! please, just control it. I can't lose you, I can't die!" luke shook his head as more tears fell and he felt his control crumbling.

"I can't", he rasped out, "But you'll be okay, I promise"

"luke? what are you talking about?" Calum felt his vision completely clear and his body return to normal temperature. he felt perfectly fine and by the time he realized luke used all his control to save him, luke was passed out across the seat.

Calum screamed out and leaned over hold Luke's body, sobbing violently. just then an officer ripped open the driver's side door, and a parametric began to place Luke's body onto a stretcher.

an officer helped calum out of the car and began to question him about the accident, but all calum was hearing was Luke's heartbeat in his ears.

he began to walk away from the officer to go to the ambulance, when the officer stopped him. Calum was breathing heavy and couldn't stop crying and repeating the only thing that mattered until he collapsed:



ngl I've been waiting to write this chapter since I started this book but I hope the wait was worth it (probs not)

leave love!

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