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If you asked calum to describe what happened a few days ago, he couldn't.

he was lying in a hospital bed, his head bandaged, while an officer stands at the door waiting for calum to speak about the event that landed him in the hospital. the officer keeps hinting that he thinks luke and Calum were high or drunk, even though the doctors had said they were sober.

the truth is, Calum has no idea what happened. he thought they were going to get some food when suddenly they were in the forest and Calum's vision was gone. and then Luke was gone.

"maybe you should come back another time?" Calum's favorite nurse, Macie, asked the officer. he sighed and left the room and Macie closed the door after him.

"well calum, your head seems fine. you can check yourself out now." calum kept his head down and didn't respond to her. Macie walked over to him and squeezed his shoulder before speaking again, "there's someone here for you"

on que the door opened and Ben appeared. he smiled at the nurse and walked closer to Calum's bed. "do you mind giving us a moment?"

the second the nurse left Ben grabbed Calum's arm and looked at all the wounds that were left by the glass windshield shattering.

"what happened cal?" Ben sat on the bed beside Calum's figure. he was curled up in fetal position and tightly shut his eyes.

"he saved me", Calum whispered, but Ben heard clearly.

"all the control he had..."

"went into saving me" Calum's eyes welled up with tears for the third time that day. he hasn't been allowed to see Luke during his few days at the hospital so his only memory of Luke was his face during the accident. he felt so incredibly guilty. he couldn't even think about Luke without a weight on his chest.

"wow, he really loved you. have you seen him yet?" Calum's head shot up.

"no, can I?" the second Ben nodded calum jumped out of his bed. his head began to spin so he leaned back onto the bed for a moment until his head cleared.

"be careful. your concussion isn't completely gone yet" Ben placed his hand on the small of Calum's back and guided him out of his room and down the hall into Luke's.

Calum slowly pushed open the door to see Luke laying unconscious in the bed, connected to dozens of wires and machines. Calum walked closer and analyzed how pale luke was and how slow his breathing was.

"I'm honestly suprised he's not dead" Ben sighed and sat in a chair beside Luke's bed. "when Ben had his final jump, he died in a matter of hours. my soulmate died in minutes. Luke has been unconscious for days. I don't know what to make of it".

"does that mean he's going to be okay?" Calum was still standing by the end of Luke's bed; his eyes puffy, shiny, and red. Ben sighed again.

"I really don't know calum; I've never seen this before."

"can't you just magically make him better?" Calum whines slightly while Ben tensed. "I know you have magic, that's how you stopped Luke's jumps during his training, and how you knew what happened before we told you. please fix him, I'll do anything."

Ben rubbed a hand over the front of his face. "magic is very unpredictable. it's kind of a "you give what you get" situation. if I made Luke all better I would be putting someone who has good health in the hospital on the brink of death. is that what you want? someone else to be crying like you are?"

Calum pouted and rolled his eyes. "I guess not. I just can't stand to see him like this." calum sat on Luke's bed and leaned down to brush Luke's hair out of his face. Calum leaned his forehead on Luke shoulder and let his tears drip down onto Luke's still body.

"you know, all magic isn't just spells and such. good feelings and wishes are magic too. it's magic that anyone can do". Ben stood up and placed his hand on Calum's shoulder before he walked out the door.

Calum raised his head and looked at the clock and watched the numbers click to show 11:11am. remembering what Ben had said, Calum squeezed his eyes shut and hoped with every fiber in him.

I wish for Luke to be okay

I wish for Luke to be okay

I wish...


wow it's been a minute. this is highkey why I don't write while fits bc I forget about them. hope this chapter is alright even though it's a little short.


leave love!

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