Chapter 1: Adopted

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   Kenny above


I stare at Kenneth as he drifts off to sleep during class, his long brunette hair covering his eyes. "psst, wake up," I whisper to him. Kenneth doesn't hear me and continues to sleep. "Kenny!" I whisper louder. "Christina!" The teacher yells still writing on the board. I jump a little in my seat. "Now is not the time to be socializing, wait till class is over," Mr. Kurtis scolds me. "sorry," I say. I look at Kenneth and he smirks. "Thanks," he mouths. I roll my eyes and stare at the back of Mr. Kurtis' head. Mr. Kurtis writes an equation on the board and tells us to solve it. 

      Thirty minutes later the whole class file out the small noisy classroom. "Wanna go to the park today?" Kenneth asks pushing his way out the door. "I can't it's the day when a lot of adopters are coming," I say walking ahead. "They aren't going to adopt us, they only want cute little kids, come one lets go." Kenneth reply's. Before I can reply Kristi comes along. 

       Besides sharing the same name, Kristi and I have nothing in common. She's tall with blonde hair and kind of pale, with blue eyes, while I am short with light brown hair and gray-green eyes and a little on the tan side (even though I would like to be a little darker). "Hey Ken doll, you going to the park today?" Kristi says in her oh-too-perfect voice. "Yeah i'm going, come on Tina." Kenneth says. "She doesn't have to come, her ugly self is going to ruin all the fun," Kristi says. I roll my eyes and continue walking ignoring her. Everyone knows Kristi likes Kenneth and hates me for hanging out with him. "Hey wait up,' I hear Kenneth shout after me, even though he has already caught up with me. 

      I walk out of the school building into the girls' building. "Well, good luck," Kenneth says opening the door. "Thanks," I mumble. "Tinaaaaa!" Little girls hug me. "Hey what am I? chopped liver?" Kenneth says. The girls laugh and hugs Kenneth. I smile watching them laugh. "How are you guys?" I say. "Good," they all chime in unison. "But kind of sad 'cause Riley got adopted and she's going to be gone," Emily looks up with wet tears. Riley starts to bawl. "Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow," she sobs. next thing I know all of the little girls are crying. "It's okay," Kenneth picking up Emily and Riley. "Look at the bright side, She's gonna go to a caring and loving family, isn't that great?" Kenneth says. "Yeah, that is good,"Riley says. "yeah," the girls  chime.

     "Alright gang, I gotta get going, see ya'll later," Kenneth says setting Riley and Emily down. "byeee," all the girls wave. "See ya later Tina, if you change your mind we'll be at the park," Kenneth says opening the heavy door. "Okay, bye." I say watching him leave. "bye, I've also got to go, see you guys later," I say. "bye," they all say. Riley comes to me and gives my legs a long tight hug. I stoop down and say, "I'm really going to miss you, but don't be so sad, be happy and just enjoy your family, alright?" I whisper in her ear. "okay," she whispers back. I give her one last gentle squeeze and let her go. "bye," I say and walk past the front desk and into the dorm hall. 

      I wave to a couple of people in the halls. my dorm room is already open so I walk right in. "There's something called closing the door," I say to my room mate, Kayla. "Yeah, but I'm too lazy." She says typing away on her phone. Kayla is not considered an orphan, she has an aunt and an uncle who send her stuff but doesn't want her around the house. Both of her parents died in a fire and she was sent to this orphanage. "It doesn't take much energy to push a door," I reply shutting the door behind me. "aren't you going to get ready?" I ask her. "Nah, my aunts found foster parents who wants a lazy eighteen year old," Kayla rolls her eyes at her phone. "oh, dang, that sucks," I say flopping on my bed. "Yeah, I just hope I get a nice family," She says now looking up from her phone. "Yeah," I say laughing. 

    "Well, you better get going, maybe today will be your lucky day to get out of this dump," Kayla goes back to her phone. "Yeah, your right," I jump off of my bed and and walk into the bathroom. "I need a shower," I mutter to myself when I spot myself in the mirror. My hair looks greasy, like i haven't washed it in days, and my nose is dotted with sweat. I strip off my clothes and jump in the warm running water. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner plenty of times and rinse it out one time too many. I finally turn the water off and put a blue towel around my body. I walk to the closet Kayla and I share to descent clothes. I take out frayed light blue, skinny, ankle jeans and pink contrast, trim tee shirt that has a rock and roll gesture.

     I quickly pull my clothes on and start to comb my hair, thinking of a hairstyle I should attempt to rock. I finally decide on a back braid bun. "You look nice," Kayla walks to her cupboard and picks up a pink box on top of the cupboard. She takes something out of the box and walks up to me. "Here wear this," She hands me a cute silver necklace with a big sparkly pearl in the middle. "You sure?" I turn the necklace in my hand surprised. "Yeah, i'm sure you've helped me out so much, and you are my only friend in this place, so yeah i'm sure, your like my real fam and so since i'm not going to be here anymore, here's a gift to thank you, and plus I've got a lot more necklaces, this one's special tho so keep it close to you," She says. "Awe, thanks Kay, I wish I had something to give you," I say hugging her. "No, it's fine, you've done so much for me," she says helping me put the necklace on.

   "Thank you so much," I say. "No problem, you better get going, it starts in a little bit--" She looks at her watch. "In thirteen minutes," She says. "Okay, once again thank you!" I say running out the door. I slam the door and run to the main room where we meet when there's a party, or someone's birthday, or an event where a lot of parents come to see about adoption and if they want to adopt kids. The parents get to talk to the kids and also ask questions and if the parents are attached to you they adopt you. I run into the crowded room surprised at how much people actually showed up. I look around for a parent that's alone that I can talk to. "Hello," I hear a voice behind me I turn around to a pretty blonde woman with pretty green eyes. Her make up looks natural and she wears pearl earrings and a pearl necklace complete with a navy Lakeside Libations dress. The woman is far taller then me and not because she's wearing inch high heels but because of her long legs.

    "Hello," I say in my politest voice, I really wanted her to adopt me. "would you like to be my adopted daughter?" she asks. I must have looked bewildered because she says, "You look like a fun, loving girl with style, and plus, i think you kind of look like me," She says smiling. The only thing similar between us are our eyes, but everything else are completely different. "Are you sure?" I say stunned. "Yeah, off course! and I want to leave right now, when we get you signed out," she says. "How about my things," I say. "Don't worry, you will get new clothes and everything, but you can get things that are important to you while I go sign you out, Whats your name?" she says. "Christina, with a C not a K, there are two of us with that name," I tell her. "Alright, Go get your things while I go adopt you, okay?" she smiles and walks to the front desk. 

     I run back to my dorm room and When I see Kayla painting, I go over to her and hug her. "I got adopted!" I yell in excitement. "Whoa, Tina already? damn that was quick, see I knew this would be a lucky day, aw man you made me mess up my painting," she says looking at the horrible red streak I caused. "Oops, sorry, but I got adopted!" I say again. "Yeah that's great, who is the lucky family?" She asks. "Oh she's wonderful, she is really pretty, and she was wearing this pretty navy dress and she had pearls, just like this one," I gush. "Damn good for you, so why are you here, aren't you supposed to be hanging out with her or something?" She says trying to fix the red streak. 

    "Yeah, she told me to just get my things while I get my stuff ready, my valuable stuff, I'm leaving right now when she signs me out," I say rummaging through my side of the closet. "Wait, right now? you're not even going to say bye to that boyfriend of yours? or those little kids that always hug you," She says. "What boyfriend? and i'll ask her if I can say bye to everyone?" "That Kenneth guy, you know I think that little ugly Other Kristina is trying to steal him from you." She reply's. "Kenny isn't my boyfriend, he's just my best friend and yes i'll say bye to him before I go," I say matter-factually. "Okay, you want me help you pack?" She says already grabbing my comfortable mini mouse shirt from my bed. "I'm only taking a few things," I saw dumping my stuff out of a small suitcase. I put in my favorite, black, fuzzy jeans and two of my favorite 21 pilots tee shirts. 

     "here," Kayla throws the mini mouse shirt. I catch it and immediately put it in the suitcase. I put a few other of my favorite things in my suitcase. When I was put up for adoption, I was a few weeks old. My mother left her diary for me and also a gold bracelet with her name engraved on it, Christina. I quickly put the bracelet on and put the diary on top of my clothes. "I think this is all," I say to Kayla. "Aw, i'm gonna miss you," Kayla hugs me. "I'll miss you too," I say. "Now, go find your mother!" Kayla says letting me go. I pick up my suitcase and walk out of the dorm room. walking to the front desk Emily and her friends come up to me. "Where are you going?" Emily asks. "I got adopted," I say. "Aw Tina!" She cries hugging me. I give Emily a big hug. "Good bye Em," I say. "Hello Christina, it's time to go," My new mom says. I stand up and smile, "okay, good bye guys. "You're officially my daughter now," She beams. 

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