Chapter 4: Family

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    "Yeah, it's um, all the way um, across the world, and um, even though the language is the um, same, it's um like different in some ways, like um you guys say rubbish, while we say like, um nonsense," She explains. "Well, yeah, but i'm not British, I grew up there, but i'm American," I smile. "Um, yeah I guess." She says. "Yeah," I say. "Hey, Estella, Come here," My moms whispers in my ear. She smiles and walks away. "See ya round," I say. I follow mom to a group of people who are conversing. 

  "A family here are also from Britain and when they heard you studied there, they asked for you, so act the best British there ever is, okay?" Mom whispers to me. Oh shit. I smile and nod walking and practicing my British accent, and slang in my head. "Hiya!" I say in my most Britain accent ever, a bit exaggerated, but it sounded good.

  "Hello," A woman shakes my hand. A man nods my way. A boy about my age smiles at me and shakes my hand. "Finn Varner," He says smiling with his chocolate brown eyes. I smile feeling a blush. "Estella Burke, I hear you studied at Loretto, was it good? I hear they have fine teachers," Mrs. Varner says. "Oh the teachers are absolutely brilliant, and the school system is just blinding, it's both fun and exciting, I tell you," I smile. 

  "Ah, sounds like someone enjoyed Loretto a lot! We were thinking of sending Finn there, but we decided to send him to Blue Ridge instead, You are attending at Blue Ridge this year are you not," Mrs. Varner asks. "Yeah, that's where she will be going, I wanted to be close with my baby now, I haven't seen her for ages!" Mom exclaims. 

   "Awe, Isn't that sweet, you must have been gutted not seeing her all of these years, and you Estella, weren't you most gutted?" Mr. Varner says sadly. "Very, and I was gobsmacked when I heard I was finally coming home!" I say. "Oh, I can imagine," Mrs. Varner says her chocolate brown eyes matching Finn's. Mrs. Varner looked the most like Finn unlike Mr. Varner who looked nothing like Finn. 

  Both Finn and Mrs. Varner had chocolate brown eyes and brown hair, while Mr. Varner has boring blonde hair and blue eyes. Mr. Varner looks uninterested and bored, like he was forced to be here. "Well Mrs. Burke, we better leave the young mates, and us go discuss other things else where." Mr. Varner finally says something. 

 "Grand idea honey!" Mrs. Varner takes moms arm and walks away. Mr. Varner follows shortly after. "Well, you have nice parents," I say. "Yeah, they can be cool at times but sometimes i'm just like 'oh bullocks just just up' you know what i'm saying?" He chuckles lightly. "Ha, hardly, I just met my parents hours ago," I say. "Ah, that's right, you were at boarding school your whole life, sorry," He looks down. 

 "It's fine," I say. Finn yawns. "Am I boring you!" I ask. "No, not at all, I'm just tired," He says. "Oh, okay, i'm not a conversation person, so, if i start boring you, just say so, he he," I chuckle nervously, feeling my face heat up. "No, no I had a bloody hell of a week and then I go back to school tomorrow, haven't slept much, so, you're not boring at all," He smiles. 

  "Oh, that sucks, well, at least I know two people at the school that I can talk to," I smile. "Yeah, that's nice when you actually know the people going to the school, other wise, you actually have to make new friends," He crinkles up his nose then smiles. "Right?" I agree. "Dang, ten already?" He says looking at his watch. "Yeah, I guess," I stifle down a yawn. "I'm so tired," I say. "Yeah, so am I and i'm a night owl." Finn smiles. 

  "So am I, I hate mornings, especially Monday mornings, but I kind of hate Sunday nights tho, 'cause it's the closest to Monday, and I like Sunday mornings, 'cause well no school and I can sleep in," I ramble. "That's right, same, my favorite nights are Friday nights," he says. "Right?" I exclaim. Before Finn says something, Mr. Varner comes over and says, "It's time to go,"

  "Well, good night, lovely meeting ya," He tells me smiling a cute smile that leaves a cute dimple in his cheek. "Bye, a pleasure having you here," I say. Finn and his father walks away and Finn turns around to mouth, "See you later," I smile and half way wave. I look around and most of the people have gone and only a few are left. 

   I look around for Sarah, but I don't see her anywhere, neither the rest of the Josephs family. I look around at the people who are left. looking for someone I can talk to. When I don't find anyone, I walk up to dad, whose laughing with a pretty woman. "Hey, Estella, This Is Avery," Dad says. "Hiya," I say, reaching over to shake her well manicured hand.

  Instead of shaking my hand, she reaches over and hugs me, tightly. "Oh!" I gasp. I tap her back three times and she lets me go. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm just so happy to see my niece!" She says excitedly. "Your're my Aunt?" I ask remembering to use a British accent. "Yes, I'm James' sister, oh, we have so much to catch up, we're going shopping we're going to the movies, oh i cant wait!" She says as happily as ever. 

  "Oh leave her, she has barely came, first she has to sleep, go to school and then get to know people and THEN you can spoil her," Dad jokes. Avery gently slaps dad's shoulder. "Oh, don't kid, I'm going to do everything with her, Oh can I stay here tonight? And then I can pick you up after school so we can go shopping tomorrow, how does that sound!" She says her warm hands on both of my shoulders. 

  I look at dad before I say anything. He smiles and says, "Well, you can stay and hold hostage for just today and tomorrow, but the next days... she's all ours!" Dad smiles. "Oh, I can't wait!" Avery says. "Me too," I smile. "Awe, I can't wait," She looks at me fondly. "Yeah we know, you've said it about five thousand times!" Dad laughs. We all laugh and Avery says. "Not five thousand, just like three!" She squeals. 

   After awhile, Everyone is gone except for my new family and the Chambers' family. Tanner has came back and is talking busily with Avery. His hair has come out of the comb over and his tie is barely on. I smile as Mr. Chambers laugh with my dad, Mrs. Chambers talking with my mom and as Avery rambles on to Tanner. "What you think Estella?" Tanner asks me. 

  "Huh," I ask not sure what he was asking. Just him talking to me, in my direction was shocking enough, like basking in all his beautiful beauty. "What do you think about the new Ghost Buster movie?" He asks. "Um, I don't think it was like... Cake with all of the ingredients and it tastes so good, but it looks nasty, like it wasn't so good but it wasn't horrible," I say honestly. 

  Tanner smiles whilst staring at me. I turn around to see if some pretty goddess was behind me but only a statue of a naked cupid stands there. "What," I say. "That's what I said, and Avery said it was completely bad ass!" He says. "Yeah, It was, the only thing I actually liked about the movie was Chris Hemsworth," She smiles at me knowingly. I raise my eye brows up and down.

 "Yeah, and there is a lot of girl power, so that's like another little plus, and the special effects man, they were bomb" I explain remembering to talk with an accent. "Yeah! the special effects, weren't they good! see that's what I liked!" Tanner says triumphantly. "Okay you guys win, it wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't say I would watch it again if I was told to," She says. 

  "Yeah, I would tho if I had people to watch it with, so I can laugh at all the people turning into ghosts, like Chris, he he" I chuckle. "Right! see she gets me!" Tanner says. I smile. "Okay tan man, We've got to go, long day ahead of us tomorrow and you kids got school tomorrow," Mr. Chambers says. "Alright," Tanner says. 

   "Bye, Stelle, Avery," Tanner says before following his parents. Once they are gone, Dad hugs all of us and says, "It's finally a full family now." I smile whistle in the middle of the group hug.   

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