Chapter 6: Blue Ridge

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  "Yeah, I didn't text back until three days later when My friend, Sam was his name, Invited him to a small party we were having and Sam just brought him to me and introduced us, we became friends and that same night, I texted him back 'My name is Avery,' and like six weeks later we started dating and I remember exactly what he was wearing because it was labor day, A tight shirt that showed his muscles, blue shorts that stopped at his knees, American flag socks and spree shoes, My mom was like 'are you sure you want to date him?' 

  We went to homecoming and we started dating after that and we dated for two whole years," She sighs. "Aww, that's so cute, did you guys marry?" I ask happy. "Sadly not, He went to a college in Iowa and I had to go to California State, and we did long distance for a while, but that didn't work out, I was devastated, and cried for days," She says sadly. 

   "Awe," I say feeling her pain. I realize the car has stopped and Avery hugs me, "You should go," She tells me. "Yeah, I guess," I say and gets out of her hug. Before I can open the door, Dave opens the door for me. "Why thank you, but you didn't have to do that," I say. Dave smiles and says, "But I like doing it, I don't want to stay sitting all the time," He says in what sounds like a German accent. "Ok, thank you!" I say. "Welcome," He says. I say good bye to Avery again and look around. The Campus is huge. 

  There are people pulling up and out of the drive way, many students rushing in the building and some just hanging out outside. I walk to the front doors and look around. Before I open the door, someone calls behind me, "Estella, Is that you?" I turn around recognizing the sexy British accent. "Finn," I say. "So it is you," He says. "Hi," I say. 

  "You look different wearing the uniform," He says smiling. "So do you," I say indicating the navy blue pants, white dress shirt and a tie that's not tight enough. "Here let me help you out," I say reaching to his tie. I get on my tippy toes and then I pull his tie tighter, but not too tight to where he can't breathe. "Thanks, I was in a hurry, I have to show this student around and I guess that new student is you," He says. "Ah, aren't I the lucky one," I say. 

  He laughs, his dimples getting deeper and his mouth gets wider. "Lets, start with the office shall we," He says taking me away from the front doors. "The office has it's own separate buildings, and you mate have to get you're schedule and stuff," He says. "Ah, okay," I say. "You forgot you're backpack," He tells me. "Oh I know, We forgot to buy one actually, so... but my mum is going to be bringing it for me," I say. 

  "Aha," He says. We reach a building that has a sign that reads 'OFFICE'. When we get to the door, Finn takes out and ID card and swipes it at what looks like a camera thingy-majig. "What's that?" I ask. "It's our ID we get it the year we come here, I came here Sophomore freshmen year, so I got mine freshmen year, which means you get yours Junior year, and we have it so we can open the doors, if you don't have it you don't get in, they are for security reasons I guess," He says. 

  "Oh that's cool, can I see you're ID?" I say walking beside him. He hands me the card and I turn it over. "Awe, this is so cute," I say to the picture of a freshman Finn with a big smile and hair that just won't quit, it's slightly combed but it's kind of in his face, but he's still smiling big for the camera. "It was a day of running around and many, many things, and my hair was falling out," He shrugs. We enter a room where there are many office cubicles and many teachers rapidly typing away on their laptops and computers. 

  "Hello Finn," A teacher says. "Hello Mrs. Brahms," Finn says waving to a teacher who comes over. "Well who is this," She says putting her hand out. "Estella, Estella Burke," I say shaking her hand. "Oh, you're the Burkes daughter, I should've known, you look just like you're mother," She says. "Thank you," I say. "Sorry I couldn't make it to you're party, School," She explains. "It's fine," I smile, liking this teacher already. 

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