Chapter 7: Larissa

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   I'm about to sit in one of the many empty seats, when I spot Sarah. I go sit in the seat beside her and say "Hi," "Um, hi," She says. "How you been since... yesterday?" I ask. "Not much, um, just hanging out I guess," She replies. "Oh that's good." I say. "yeah," She says. More people rush into the class. The late bell rings and the teacher with the silver hair-- I decide to call him Mr. Silver-- Smiles and picks up a few slips of paper. 

  "Late, Late, Late!" He says handing the late comers the purple slips of paper. "Come on Mr. Walsh, I was like a second late," A girl says taking a purple slip from Mr.Silver- Mr.Walsh- and batting her eyes. "You have to be here before the bell," He says smiling and handing a boy a slip. "I love making it rain tardy slips!" Mr. Walsh sings in an opera way. 

  A  tall blonde with a pretty face and a little too much make up walks in. The girls looks prettier then my barbie dolls when I was little. "TARDY!" Mr. Silver says handing the slip to her. She looks at him like she's staring at an inanimate object, her eyes looking as if she's staring off into space.  "I'm not slow in action, nor sluggish, I'm here before you are teaching, I don't see you teaching anyone, Has anyone learned anything new today yet? no? Therefore, I'm not tardy." She says in a pretty voice and her long legs walk away. 

 "I swear she's so hot,"A boy behind me whispers. "Dude, she looks creepy tho, I bet she payed a lot to get all of the plastic surgery," Another boy says. "She's natural dude, Maybe the boobs are fake, but everything else, were from birth." Another one hisses. I ignore the whispering and stare at the Barbie. "That's, um, Larissa, Larissa De Niro,and umm. yes she's related to Robert De Niro." Sasha whispers to me. "Oh," I say.  

  "If, you think Jessica is mean, you haven't met mean, she's Jessica's best friend," Sarah tells me. "Oh," I say gawking  at the Barbie  as she walks my way. Before I know it, she's in front of me staring at me as if I were a board that says STARE. I cough. "You're the new girl, aren't you," She says with no expression. 

  "Yeah," I say sitting up straight. She half smiles but the smile doesn't touch her crystal clear blue eyes. "Cool, you're not another Sarah that says 'um' and stutters all the time," She says. "I guess," I say sneaking a look at a blushing Sarah. "Good, now you're in my seat, but today, you get the glory of sitting there, Derek, get out of my new seat so I can sit by the new girl," She says. 

  The boy on my left quickly stumbles out of his seat and finds another one. "Larissa," She says reaching out a small manicured hand. The hand looks so soft and delicate, like a soft china set, that I'm almost afraid that if I touch it will break into many pieces. I finally shake her hand and say, "Estella." She doesn't shake and let her hand be a dead fish in my own hand. 

  I let go of her hand and she looks away like that whole thing didn't just happen. The class goes by with me gawking at how flawless Larissa is and and half-way listening to Mr.Silver teach. Larissa raises her hand. "Yes, Miss De Niro," Mr. Silver asks. "Why are you a teacher?" She asks. "Because, I want to help you guys get to good colleges," He responds. "But you can't even teach," She says seriously, with no expression. 

  "Well, My many teacher's degree says so otherwise, and Harvard didn't think so," He says pointing to a wall with many...many teacher degrees, doctors degree, and a graduates degree from Harvard. I raise my eyebrows impressed. "Thank you," Mr.Silver smiles with his white straight teeth. Before Mr.Silver can say anything else, the end of class bell rings. "Well, goodbye, hurry up to your next classes," Mr.Silver says. 

  Everyone quickly gathers their belongings and shoot past the door. "Don't forget you're homework is due Wednesday, Estella don't worry about it," He says. "Okay," I say and wait for Sarah to get her things ready. Larissa slowly stands up. "So you losers wanna skip class, not you Sarah, you're too much of a loser to hang out with." Larissa says. 

  "Sorry," Sarah says. "But you didn't do anything to me, why are you being sorry?" Larissa asks smirking. "Um." Sarah coughs tears coming in her eyes. "Can you not," I say. Larissa looks at me like furniture before she breaks into a menacing grin, "No I can't, can you?" She says. I help Sarah with her books and walk her to the door. "I thought you were cool!" Larissa calls behind me. "Thanks, and I thought the same about you, but clearly I judge too quickly," I say back to her and walk out of the room with Sarah. 

  "Thanks," Sarah mumbles. "You welcome," I smile. We walk in silence until Finn stops us. "You ready to go to you're next class?" He asks. "Yeah, IPC," I say. "So is mine," Both Finn and Sarah says. We all walk to another building and sit in a row with me in the middle. The whole school day passes by with Finn showing me all my classes and introducing me to people, And the teachers, and Sarah and I hanging out and she showing me her friends; one cute but not hot boy and a petite girl with blazing red hair. 

  3:19, the Dismissal bell rings and I stand outside with Finn and Sarah, Talking about how the way old spice(deodorant) smells. Tanner comes by and says, "Estella, I'm coming with you." My heart skips a beat and I ask, "What you mean, you coming with you," He shoves his phone inches away from my face and says,"Avery and I are supposed to hang out today, She missed my birthday and she owes me," 

  "But i'm hanging out with Avery," I say. "Well, too bad 'cause she promised me first," He jokes. A  white GMC drives up and Tanner says, "Here she is," and grabs my hand. I look back at Finn and Sarah and wave goodbye. "Bye!" I say. Sarah says 'bye' and Finn waves with two fingers. The window to the GMC rolls down and Avery's pretty face pops out. "Come on!" She says. 

  Tanner and I race each other for the front seat. "I call shot gun!" I yell. "Not If I get there first," Tanner says fake running slow. When I'm a few feet ahead of him he runs faster until he reaches the car. "Not fair, I got short legs," I fake whine. "Awe, but I'm the Birthday boy, I should sit in the front seat," He fakes to pout. "Fine," I say and open the back door. "Awe, you two are so crazy," Aver says smiling. "Were not crazy, we're just really fun," Tanner nods his head. 

   I laugh whilst putting on my seatbelt. "Okay, Titanium mall first," Avery says. "Where's that?" I say perfecting my British accent. "You've never been?" Tanner asks. I realize Tanner has a sort of a country accent and smile. "No, I've been in Britain," I say. "That's right," He says. "But I thought they had that mall everywhere," He adds. 

  "No, not in Britain," I say. "Okay, I see," He says. "Are you really from Cali?" I ask. "No why," Tanner asks when The car starts to move. "You have an accent," I say. "Not a British accent that's for sure," Tanner says. "no, not a British accent," I agree. "No, I was born in Tennessee, you can't call me cowboy," He says. I laugh, "I knew you sounded country," I say. "Do you get that a lot?" I ask. "Yeah, In fact I do, Everyone are always asking if I'm related to Miley Cyrus, or If I lived on a farm with a bunch of horses on a farm and If I can do a cowboy impression, I was like people!" He says laughing, looking in the review mirror.  

  Avery and I laugh. I look out the window to see the pretty streets. The Sun is tilted in the perfect way. For a day in September, the weather is cool, and sunny. Tanner ducks his head down and looks away from his window. "What?" I say looking out the other window. In the black Mercedes Benz next to us, Larissa drives along us singing to some music. 

  "Larissa," Tanner says hiding his face.     

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