safe with me

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Stephanie today was at a interview and I was watching it on TV, she talked about WWE and about women's wrestling. She mentioned Sasha and Me and other people.

The interview ended and I waited for Stephanie to get home, she took about 30 minutes to get home.

I ran down the stairs and when Stephanie opened the door I gave her a huge hug.

"I haven't been gone that lon-

"I know but I missed you Steph" I smiled and looked up at her, she was smiling too. She tried to walk away but I held onto her waist so she was basically dragging me everywhere.

"Your such a baby" she laughed

We went upstairs and sat in bed and watched a movie. Stephanie wanted to watch a scary movie cause she said I couldn't handle it. To prove her wrong I put on Paranormal activity 3

We sat there and she kept looking at me to see if I was scared. I pretended that I wasn't scared but threw every jump scare I wanted to run away. Stephanie didn't look scared at all she didn't even twitch or slightly move she just stayed there.

The little girls In the movie scared the shit out of me and I was about to freak out and leave.

The movie thank GOD ended and Stephanie went to go take a shower, I stayed there terrified waiting for her to come out. I thought I heard something from the closet but I knew it was just my imagination, but I was so scared that I sat in the front of the bathroom door waiting for her to come out.

"What the hell??!?" She almost tripped over me, I looked up at her

"I thought you said you weren't scared"she smirked

I stood up and held her arm and walked to the room she put on her pajamas and got into bed with me and turned off the lights but I couldn't sleep I kept thinking I heard things I was incredibly terrified of ghost. I sat up in the bed

"Stephanie did you here that?!?! Stephanie!" I whispered, she sat up and turned on the lights

"Its your imagination fucking with you now go to bed" she said sternly

I heard another thing and whipped my head to the side, I walked up to the bedroom door and closed it and locked it and ran back into the bed.

"Your so dramatic" she said, Stephanie turned off the lights and laid back down, I was still freaking out so I laid down but got super close to Stephanie and put my arm around her waist. She turned over and put her arm around me

"Luna your safe with me stop freaking out like always" she whispered and kissed my lips.

I fell asleep after that I felt more safe with her.

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